Connecting Failed Steam rejected

GTA V version?
Up to date?
Yes Latest version
Legit or Pirate copy?
Legit copy
Steam/CD/Social Club?
Social Club
Windows version?
Windows 7 64 bit
Did you try to disable/uninstall your Anti-virus?
Yes i did nothing happened…
Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again?
Yes still same error occurs…
Error screenshot
GTA V folder screenshot
GTA V/update/x64/dlcpacks screenshot
Filepath to FiveM folder
FiveM client folder screenshot
.dmp files
CitizenFX.log (25.2 KB)

It happens when i want to join certain servers.
Sometimes i get placed in the que, but most of the times just that error.
Got steam running in the background.
Already downloaded the Source SDK Base 2007 (According to forum was fixing the problem)
Well so far nothing worked and getting to be honest quite annoyed about it :confused:

Did you make sure all the Windows updates are installed?

Did you make sure you are not in the steam beta?

Did you restart steam before starting FiveM?

Install/download Source SDK Base 2007.

All windows updates are installed.
Not in steam beta
Restarted steam before to

Read what i typed please, already said that i installed that…

I am having the same problem, could you link me where you downloaded the Source SDK Base 2007 from? Can’t find it anywhere.

It is on steam under tools