Community Pulse - February 2024

Despite having the name “community pulse”, this post does not address the concerns raised by notable community members and the overarching themes that the community at large have been discussing. Considering that the direct response to some concerns are to kill discussion of them entirely so that they can be “reviewed”, one would expect that a community update would update the community on how those concerns are being addressed. That is not the case. Why?

It seems that the unspoken answer is further discussion will be quenched and concerns will be ignored. A dangerous precedent to set.

I don’t necessarily agree with everything being said in those posts, but denying the community discussion of certain topics erodes trust and burns bridges. Concerns shared by multiple members of the community, regardless of how they come about, are still valid concerns raised by real people. Treat your community with respect for its concerns before you ask for understanding of your internal situations.