Community Mission Row PD MLO

Hello! I have a problem with this map. The textures didn’t load. We tested it on 3 servers and the windows and ceiling, floor didn’t load at all.

If you have a MLO too close to one another it blocks the MLO from being able to be enter able

Also this add on causes an insane amount of crashes by the PD garage area. Would use on my server but this MLO makes it unplayable with the amount of crashes trying to leave MRPD through the garage area.

Quite possibly the best thing I’ve put on my server.

Thanks so much! Works perfectly.

if you have any other ymap in the city or on the beach this ymap wont load.

@NukeTheWhales Not true, you just need to know how to fix it cause it is only a few maps causing the crash which has been fixed for some months now so you much be using a very out of date version…

@BeanRTX That is not true either cause I have over 100+ MLO’s and using this map with 0 issues and my Maps are all over the map including on the beach… You just have to know how to add maps to your server with other one already being on there :rofl:

What you can change:
Big Logo on the Floor 2og
Logo on the wall 2og…

how do I change?? i really can’t figure it out… someone can help me?

someone know how do i fix it?

You have another interior conflicting with it

open the door? I’ve tried everything

how do you get a ymap do load in codewalker so i can get names of items and locations so i can get the tvs to work

Add this to your esx_doorlock doorlist in Config:

objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_gtdoor'),
objHeading = 90.0,
objCoords = vector3(452.6, -982.7, 30.6),
textCoords = vector3(453.0, -982.6, 31.1),
authorizedJobs = {'police'},
locked = true,
maxDistance = 1.25

Do you have the full list of doors please ? for esx_doorlock

Sure, here you go!

Config.DoorList = {

	-- Mission Row First Floor

	-- Entrance Doors
		textCoords = vector3(434.7, -982.0, 31.5),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = false,
		maxDistance = 2.5,
		doors = {
			{objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_ph_door01'), objHeading = 270.0, objCoords = vector3(434.7, -980.6, 30.8)},
			{objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_ph_door002'), objHeading = 270.0, objCoords = vector3(434.7, -983.2, 30.8)}

	-- To locker room & roof
		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_ph_gendoor004'),
		objHeading = 90.0,
		objCoords = vector3(449.6, -986.4, 30.6),
		textCoords = vector3(450.1, -986.3, 31.7),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25

	-- Rooftop
		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_gtdoor02'),
		objHeading = 90.0,
		objCoords = vector3(464.3, -984.6, 43.8),
		textCoords = vector3(464.3, -984.0, 44.8),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25

	-- Hallway to roof
		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_arm_secdoor'),
		objHeading = 90.0,
		objCoords = vector3(461.2, -985.3, 30.8),
		textCoords = vector3(461.5, -986.0, 31.5),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25

	-- Armory
		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_arm_secdoor'),
		objHeading = 270.0,
		objCoords = vector3(452.6, -982.7, 30.6),
		textCoords = vector3(453.0, -982.6, 31.7),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25
objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_gtdoor'),
objHeading = 90.0,
objCoords = vector3(452.6, -982.7, 30.6),
textCoords = vector3(453.0, -982.6, 31.1),
authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
locked = true,
maxDistance = 1.25

	-- Captain Office
		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_ph_gendoor002'),
		objHeading = 180.0,
		objCoords = vector3(447.2, -980.6, 30.6),
		textCoords = vector3(447.2, -980.0, 31.7),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25
	-- Chief office
		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_ph_gendoor002'),
		objHeading = 0.0,
		objCoords = vector3(462.76, -1000.43, 35.93),
		textCoords = vector3(462.76, -1000.43, 36.93),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25

	-- To downstairs (double doors)
		textCoords = vector3(444.6, -989.4, 31.7),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 4,
		doors = {
			{objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_ph_gendoor005'), objHeading = 180.0, objCoords = vector3(443.9, -989.0, 30.6)},
			{objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_ph_gendoor005'), objHeading = 0.0, objCoords = vector3(445.3, -988.7, 30.6)}

	-- Mission Row Cells

	-- Main Cells
		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_ph_cellgate'),
		objHeading = 0.0,
		objCoords = vector3(463.8, -992.6, 24.9),
		textCoords = vector3(463.3, -992.6, 25.1),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25

	-- Cell 1
		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_ph_cellgate'),
		objHeading = 270.0,
		objCoords = vector3(462.3, -993.6, 24.9),
		textCoords = vector3(461.8, -993.3, 25.0),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25

	-- Cell 2
		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_ph_cellgate'),
		objHeading = 90.0,
		objCoords = vector3(462.3, -998.1, 24.9),
		textCoords = vector3(461.8, -998.8, 25.0),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25

	-- Cell 3
		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_ph_cellgate'),
		objHeading = 90.0,
		objCoords = vector3(462.7, -1001.9, 24.9),
		textCoords = vector3(461.8, -1002.4, 25.0),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25

	-- To Back
		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_gtdoor'),
		objHeading = 0.0,
		objCoords = vector3(463.4, -1003.5, 25.0),
		textCoords = vector3(464.0, -1003.5, 25.5),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25

	-- Mission Row Back

	-- Back (double doors)
		textCoords = vector3(468.6, -1014.4, 27.1),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 4,
		doors = {
			{objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_rc_door2'), objHeading = 0.0, objCoords  = vector3(467.3, -1014.4, 26.5)},
			{objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_rc_door2'), objHeading = 180.0, objCoords  = vector3(469.9, -1014.4, 26.5)}

	-- Back Gate
		objHash = GetHashKey('hei_prop_station_gate'),
		objHeading = 90.0,
		objCoords = vector3(488.8, -1017.2, 27.1),
		textCoords = vector3(488.8, -1020.2, 30.0),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 14,
		size = 2

	-- Sandy Shores

	-- Entrance
		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_shrfdoor'),
		objHeading = 30.0,
		objCoords = vector3(1855.1, 3683.5, 34.2),
		textCoords = vector3(1855.1, 3683.5, 35.0),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = false,
		maxDistance = 1.25

	-- Paleto Bay

	-- Entrance (double doors)
		textCoords = vector3(-443.5, 6016.3, 32.0),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = false,
		maxDistance = 2.5,
		doors = {
			{objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_shrf2door'), objHeading = 315.0, objCoords  = vector3(-443.1, 6015.6, 31.7)},
			{objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_shrf2door'), objHeading = 135.0, objCoords  = vector3(-443.9, 6016.6, 31.7)}

	-- Bolingbroke Penitentiary

	-- Entrance (Two big gates)
		objHash = GetHashKey('prop_gate_prison_01'),
		objCoords = vector3(1844.9, 2604.8, 44.6),
		textCoords = vector3(1844.9, 2608.5, 48.0),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 12,
		size = 2

		objHash = GetHashKey('prop_gate_prison_01'),
		objCoords = vector3(1818.5, 2604.8, 44.6),
		textCoords = vector3(1818.5, 2608.4, 48.0),
		authorizedJobs = {'police','offpolice'},
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 12,
		size = 2
	objHash = GetHashKey('hei_v_ilev_bk_gate2_pris'),
	objCoords  = vector3(261.99899291992, 221.50576782227, 106.68346405029),
	textCoords = vector3(261.99899291992, 221.50576782227, 107.68346405029),
	authorizedJobs = { 'police','offpolice' },
	locked = true,
	maxDistance = 12,
	size = 2
		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_gtdoor'),
		objCoords  = vector3(467.76,-1003.44,24.91),
		textCoords = vector3(467.76,-1003.44,24.91),
		authorizedJobs = { 'police','offpolice' },
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25

		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_gtdoor'),
		objCoords  = vector3(472.2,-1003.44,24.91),
		textCoords = vector3(472.2,-1003.44,24.91),
		authorizedJobs = { 'police','offpolice' },
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25

		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_gtdoor'),
		objCoords  = vector3(476.4,-1003.44,24.91),
		textCoords = vector3(476.4,-1003.44,24.91),
		authorizedJobs = { 'police','offpolice' },
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25

		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_gtdoor'),
		objCoords  = vector3(480.72,-1003.44,24.91),
		textCoords = vector3(480.72,-1003.44,24.91),
		authorizedJobs = { 'police','offpolice' },
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25

		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_gtdoor'),
		objCoords  = vector3(480.76,-996.59,24.91),
		textCoords = vector3(480.76,-996.59,24.91),
		authorizedJobs = { 'police','offpolice' },
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25

		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_gtdoor'),
		objCoords  = vector3(476.44,-996.55,24.91),
		textCoords = vector3(476.44,-996.55,24.91),
		authorizedJobs = { 'police','offpolice' },
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25

		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_gtdoor'),
		objCoords  = vector3(472.22,-996.51,24.91),
		textCoords = vector3(472.22,-996.51,24.91),
		authorizedJobs = { 'police','offpolice' },
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25

		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_gtdoor'),
		objCoords  = vector3(467.85,-996.53,24.91),
		textCoords = vector3(467.85,-996.53,24.91),
		authorizedJobs = { 'police','offpolice' },
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25

		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_gtdoor'),
		objCoords  = vector3(445.3,-998.95,30.72),
		textCoords = vector3(445.3,-998.95,30.72),
		authorizedJobs = { 'police','offpolice' },
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25

		objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_gtdoor'),
		objCoords  = vector3(446.52,-999.11,30.72),
		textCoords = vector3(446.52,-999.11,30.72),
		authorizedJobs = { 'police','offpolice' },
		locked = true,
		maxDistance = 1.25
1 Like

Thanks !

Someone crash and somebody doesn’t with this error every time

344c6630-7dce-4c6a-8b93-8e5097883b4a.dmp (8.7 MB) CitizenFX_log_2020-07-26T194917.log (317.3 KB)

Did you find out ? i hope yes

This is THE best map mod i’ve seen for GTA V. Kudos.

@SADoJ_Kuro, Where about are you getting this crash?

Is anyone else unable to get this to load in codewalker? I have tried nearly everything, have dlc selected mods enabled etc… but it still shows the default unmodified MRPD. Same result with latest version of codewalker and older versions too