Command to send message to chat

i create command to send chat message to chat with argument.

For example i write “/chatmessage hi all players on server”
and in chat is “hi,all,players,on,server”

How to fix it? There is my code:

RegisterCommand("chatmessage", function(source, args)

We can’t see the code behind this, also i guess you have to table.concat(args, " ")

Thanks its work, and question no.2.
How to to this with some argument?

RegisterCommand("pm", function(source, args)
    exports.mychat:sendMessage(args[1],args[2])//args[1] mean playerid and args[2] rest of the string, but args[2]
end) is only first word.

Uh try

local player = args[1]
table.remove(args, 1) -- remove first arg from table
local message = table.concat(args, " ")

Thanks its work. Questiong no.3 :slight_smile:

I have this code:

RegisterCommand("pm", function(source, args)
    local id = args[1]

    --if not NetworkIsPlayerActive(id) then
    --	sendMessage("Hráč není připojen")
    --	return

	table.remove(args, 1)
	local message = table.concat(args, " ")

    TriggerServerEvent('chat:message',GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()),{255, 255, 0},"PM pro " .. GetPlayerName(id) .. " (" .. id .. "): " .. message);
    TriggerServerEvent('chat:message',id,{255, 255, 0},"PM od " .. GetPlayerName(PlayerId()) .. " (" .. GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()) .. "): " .. message);

But the result message is “PM od invalid (0): message” instead of the player name I want to send a message to “PM od ATomas (0): message”