Command allow [ace perms] bug?

the issue I’m having is about ace perms no matter the group I set I still have permissions to start refresh or stop resources when I have add principal with steam id commented

I’m wondering where is it getting my steam id to allow me to do such commands.

I cant test scripts that use discord ace perms if I’m always allowed no matter the group I add when no STEAM ID is set for the group

no matter the group my steam id is attached to it

I always have permissions I can’t test scripts cause of it
I’m trying to get discord aceperms so removing roles or adding does not have any effect cause I always have permissions.

so if someone can explain how is this happening
other wise what is the use of add principal?

the only way to not have permission is to actually comment the lines
no matter the group I add I will have permission to open the menu of the resource.
the only way to stop using the restart refresh or stop commands

also, this is for RedM I might have made a mistake when creating the topic.


Moved it, though I’m not sure… why me? You could have flagged the topic as well, and any actual moderator could’ve handled it.

Everything is commented out and I can STILL start and stop scripts! In the f8 console! This is very bad and needs to be fixed urgently.

glad to see I’m not the only one

fair enough. apologies…
there was more to it than just moving it… like, getting every message deleted in discord when all I did was try to describe my issue but every word is a banned word. it leads to frustration.

anyways. the issue persists I have even commented out every permission and I can still do commands.

Are ‘you’ the server owner of the license key? If so, that’s not ‘very bad’, nor does it ‘need to be fixed’. The owner of the license key automatically gets admin access, which isn’t a bug at all, but a convenience feature in case people forget to set any other privileges, and then wonder ‘why do I get “access denied”?’.

For testing you can remove the permission by adding to your server.cfg or executing in the console.

remove_ace identifier.fivem:870698 command allow

Replacing the fivem: identifier with yours. Another handy command is list_aces

I understand, and somehow that’s what I thought it was doing.

it is not a bad feature at all and I’m not sure if it was mentioned anywhere. but probably my fault for not paying attention??

As an owner/dev, I am trying to set up ace perms to different menus using the same key bind since RedM does not have many to work with, if I have all groups added to me by default then all menus will open at the same time using the same key bind.
for example

one for staff and one for users.

but since I have permissions no matter the group it will open both menus. so I cant use them as an owner of my own server.

The reason for using ace perms is because I want to use discord ace perms and be able to just give roles.

so using discord ace perms I cant test it since I always have permission to open the menus no matter having the role or not.

So if I understand correctly by removing the ace fivem identifier then add_ace_principal will work?
i will test.

That’s a handy command and yeah it says I am allow on everything.

Like I said above it’s not a bad feature and I do understand we can’t please everyone.

What is odd, by the way, is that we don’t grant custom permission types like this ‘vorp.*’ automatically - but maybe this or another script you’re using does the same.

this does work.
removing fivem identifier then add to principal identifier my steam id. groups work again.

yes, it is odd there’s no other resource using it cause I added it myself.

the remove fivem identifier only works for the command allow
so I can remove myself from using the command and do my tests.

on another note, I might be doing this wrong??

any group besides the group.owner has permissions even though the only group that has the principal identifier added to it it’s group.member

by removing that tree of groups which I cannot remember how to call it, groups will work

So I am finding another issue, once I used the remove ace five identifiers I can no longer go back to have all perms again ? I comment it out and won’t let me use other resources
I comment out cause it was just for testing but now I can only use command stuff. any other ace I need to add my steam to the group

only this works

without adding my steam. everything else now needs my steam

replace those in the server config with
###################### EXCUTE FILES HERE ###################
#exec resources.cfg # These resources will start by default add them in the file.
exec @weathersync/permissions.cfg
exec perms.cfg # add your permissions in there
exec @vorp_admin/vorp_perms.cfg # vorpframework permmisions and admin menu

then get the perms file and past it in the folder with where the server config is.
with in the perm file add your steam identifier and restart the server