⭐ Hope Valley RP 1.0⭐Realistic Economy⭐Serious RP⭐Streamer Friendly⭐OneSync⭐discord.gg/HopeValleyRP⭐

:question: What is Hope Valley?
Hope Valley is the result of many attempts to find somewhere to call home. We found places where it seemed commitment to the community was lacking and we saw people form friendships, begin stories, and invest time into supporting those communities and not be appreciated, or heard. At Hope Valley we hear you, and we always want to hear you. We had a very successful Beta phase in Q2/Q3 of 2023. We were able to take a lot of the feedback and bugs found and fix things, improve things, add things, or make changes to things.

:question: Why Hope Valley?
Our community is a family and Hope Valley will always be built with community in mind first. You are only limited by your imagination, we love ideas and feedback and welcome it always. We have a great foundation that has been built to last for a long time to come. We have a very realistic 1890s economy, times are not easy folks. When you are in charge of a faction or business it is yours to run how you want (within reason). Government will step in if something is negatively affecting the economy or the community as a whole. Ultimately, If there are issues with how your business is running or how it is impacting other businesses or factions then we want as much of that handled in the county, in roleplay, as possible. If the government has to assist, we will be nudging it back in the direction of roleplay, that will always be the main focus. Here is a little bit about what you can do currently in Hope Valley. We want Hope Valley to take a life of its own.

  • Law (Currently Hiring High Ranks)
  • Medical (Currently Hiring High Ranks)
  • DOJ (Currently Hiring High Ranks)
  • Farming (We have properties ONLY available to farmers so you can take on staff and have workers.)
  • Ranching (Coming Soon!) (We have properties ONLY available to ranchers so you can take on staff and have workers.)
  • Blacksmith
  • Gunsmith
  • Mining Company (Perks of having the actual job vs a solo miner.)
  • Lumberjacking
  • Farming (Can solo farm but won’t yield as much as being an actual farmer with land)
  • Horse Training
  • Veterinarian
  • Saloons (Customize your menus, work with farmers and ranchers for produce and meat supplies to keep your stock up.)

  • Whitelisted Gangs (declare a color, name, discord role)
  • Robberies
  • Moonshine
  • Black Market
  • Grave Robbing
  • ALWAYS OPEN TO IDEAS on how to expand our criminal life!

:heavy_dollar_sign:• We will NEVER be a pay to win or pay to gain an advantage type server. We are about serious roleplay above everything else.

:scroll:• We will always remain transparent with the community on changes and expectations. You give us your time and your creativity and we want to respect it, and if you do not feel like that is happening, we want to know about it.

:tickets:• Our tickets are ALWAYS open for ideas, feedback, conversation, the staff of Hope Valley are here for you and your ideas.

:question: Is there a Whitelist or is it Public?
We will NOT be whitelisted at launch, it will be a discord allowlist. After the first few weeks we will leave it to the community to decide based on the experiences and interactions they have had. We have a clear rule system in place with an outline detailing what will happen when people break those rules. The rules will be standard ones that you have likely seen in many communities, but will be updated for OUR community as we grow together based on YOUR feedback and what our community needs are.

We are an 18+ roleplaying server. If you have been around REDM before you know what that means, so act accordingly. It really is that simple. If you are new to REDM and roleplaying that is okay, we don’t expect you to understand everything right away, any person in the community will be happy to help. If roleplaying, slow burn, creating stories, memories, friendships, and lives in the 1890s is not what you are looking for then we will likely not be a fit for you.

Join our discord today! Put in a business, law, medical, or DOJ app there are plenty of businesses available and positions available.

The most important thing we need is YOU :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: . Come and join a community who is passionate about REDM or if you decide to take the train in and make it the home of your character, we welcome anyone.

Thanks for reading about us, we hope you come check us out and tell us about you!



We are currently preparing to announce our Beta Release. We have 1 support position available as well as 1 Faction and 1 Event manager position available . We will have our first TOWN HALL meeting this weekend on Sunday May 14, at 4:00PM EST. Please join our DISCORD and get to know us and bring any questions concerns or ideas you have! :star_struck:

Join Hope Valley discord!


Meeting is starting here very soon! Feel free to join our discord and listen in! Hope Valley RP

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Awesome people! Come be a part of helping to shape a wonderful place to RP!

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We took some time away from developing and other things for a community trail ride to celebrate Memorial Day and honor those who have served. We wish everyone a very safe holiday. Come check us out if you want to be a part of a growing community. Beta to be open to everyone soon ™!! You can sign up to be an ALPHA tester to help us test things now or just join our discord to get to know everyone!

Hope Valley celebrating Pride Month!

:rainbow:Hope Valley 1st Annual Pride Ride Twas a Success :sunglasses: :purple_heart:

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:us: Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July!! Sorry we did not have some sort of event, we had a good reason. :us:

:yellow_square: Friday, July 7th, SOFT RELEASE - We will be opening the county on Friday 6PM CST. A soft release gives us the opportunity to have you all get in get your characters made and if any big issues are found get them fixed before the Full Beta Release Saturday.

:green_square: Saturday, July 8th, FULL BETA RELEASE - We will be announcing this date on public forums as well as giving the server a little boost on this date to bring in new people to Hope Valley. Coming in on Friday, getting your character made, getting jobs, etc will help us be prepared for that.

:bangbang:ALL CHARACTERS/ITEMS/ETC Will be wiped for the start of BETA.:bangbang: :horse: If you won a horse on the trail ride we will be in Friday to make sure you get it and the ticket will remain open until everyone has claimed theirs.

:interrobang: Things we need from yall:

:shallow_pan_of_food: RECIPES - we are going to have basic recipes until we get input from the citizens on what you want. The links for the recipe form to submit new recipes and the ingredients list you have to work with will be listed at the end of this post.

CRIMINALS - There is not a lot for you at this time, that is by design. You should not come in on Day 1 and be terrorizing everyone. We have talked about so much for you guys at a staff level but as we begin to build your world we want feedback from you all on what you want to be able to do, and where you want to take your stories. Rob people/rob banks/rob stores. That will get old quick. So get in get yourselves established, and get a vision of what you would like and put in a ticket so we can get the conversations going. This is a serious roleplaying server. If you plan to come in and shoot people and rob them on Day 1, this is not going to be the server for you.

DISCORD NAMES - Make sure to get them updated to match at least your main character.

:clipboard: COUNTY BOARDS - We will have Saint Denis and Blackwater for right now. As those are the first towns that will have any sort of population (Those are the ones we had the most interest in as far as business inquiries went so that is why we chose them.) YOU MUST be in these towns at the board when you post your announcement in these channels. We hope to soon add a POSTER script where you can post actual images etc while in county, this is just not something that we focused on for Beta so isn’t in yet.

IF there is any questions you have @zurv4n , @Lulu , and @Bryson🐰 will be available in CIV CHAT #1 for awhile to discuss. We encourage you to join and ask anything.

On the EVE of our Beta Release, Sehri WILL BE LIVE IN :one: HOUR with zurv4n and Bryson !!! (5:30PM PST - 6:30PM CST - 7:30PM EST)

We will be showcasing a few things in county as well as doing some giveaways for in county items to help you started on your adventure in Hope Valley.

Come hang out!

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Hope Valley is NOW LIVE JOIN THE DISCORD HERE! https://discord.io/hopevalleyrp join the community and tell your story!

Some pics of the Black Smoke Tribe and other pictures from Hope Valley!


Elsie lovin the horses! “Oh YEAH! That’s the spot!”


• Weapon of Choice will be discussed by both parties if you don’t have your own weapons will be checked out to you by the Hope Valley Marshals, THANK YOU Hope Valley Marshals.
• 2 People at a time enter Fort Mercer.
• Will get 1 minute to hide/prepare
• Start will be indicated by a Gun Shot from a Hope Valley Marshal.
• Will fight until 1 person returns to the Marshals outside of the Fort.
• Will be random draw for who goes up against who. Elimination Style!

Come check us out!!
Hope Valley Discord

Hey Hope Valley! don’t forget about the Town Hall Meeting we have today get all your questions ready for tonight! :heart: 6PM CST Hope Valley Discord

Our first Town Hall with the community since Beta release, could not have gone better. Our community came ready with amazing questions and suggestions. It really let us know we are on the right track with what we are doing and where we are headed and we hope to always let the community make sure we stay that way!! Here is a little more about us for anyone looking for a new home or looking to start out!

Hope Valley RP is an exciting new server that promises a long-lasting and immersive experience. Unlike other counties, this isn’t a place where you can easily get rich or wreak havoc on others. Instead, it values hard work and collaboration. When you step into Hope Valley, you’ll truly have to roll up your sleeves, work together with fellow players, and strive to survive. Set in the challenging era of 1899, where tough times required people to rely on each other, Hope Valley beautifully captures the essence of that era. It offers an unparalleled level of immersion that I haven’t encountered anywhere else.

-Unique camping/crafting system - Craft everything you need to survive and make your camp feel like home.
-From the minute you get off the train feel immersed in a true struggle for survival in 1899.
-Hunt/fish for food
-Plenty of available businesses.
-Law and Medical Hiring
-Active Staff, Development, and Community
-Constantly help shape the direction of Hope Valley. We recognize what may work for one community may not work for another, we are dedicated to always keeping lines of -communication open with the community for feedback and suggestions. We want all of us to grow together with Hope Valley.

  • Real Estate, Ranching, Trains, and so much more coming soon!

We are here for the long haul. Come make us your home and tell your stories!
Hope Valley Discord

Little photo dump from our wonderful community <3 :rofl:

A lot of Great people in the Community, Its a great place to call Home! Come Join and Share many memories with everyone!

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Hope Valley RP Discord


                 **READY, SET, RACE EVENT!**

• Carts to be provided by the Hope Valley Marshals
• We will have some small races as well as a cross county race!!

:1st_place_medal: 1st, :2nd_place_medal: 2nd, :3rd_place_medal: 3rd places prizes.

Click here to become part of our amazing community! :slight_smile:

Hope Valley’s First ever Cart Race was a success! Had a peak of 27 wonderful people in Hope Valley tonight we welcome all the new faces! <3 (here are some pics from tonight!)

Hope Valley RP Discord