Sick design, super fast and cool features.
The best inventory choice of these times
best inventory script <33
I actively use an optimized and beautiful inventory
Actually the best inventory on fivem <3
Thanks a lot
Best inventory on fivem
codem quality
Amazing inventory
Do I have to define all useable items or will it take over qb smallresources?
One question, in the previous version they had a crafting system for books and other things that were very good since it was very useful for survival style servers.
My question is, have you removed that system completely or are you planning to add it in some way as a DLC or can this system or the old version of the inventory be acquired in some way to be able to use that system?
It will be come as an update in the following days.
Sadly the documentation doesn´t describe all exports or commands. Like litertally if you go on there documentation site and then on How_TO there is like that thing that isn´t even´t described in any documentation -.-
TriggerServerEvent('inventory:server:OpenInventory', 'stash', stashid, {maxweight = 150000, slots = 50})
TriggerServerEvent('codem-inventory:server:openstash', stashId, slot,weight, stashlabel)
hello sir, if u need help talk with me in forum dm