Closed,This menu is being discontinued

says it doesnt here

You are aware of what are functions and events?

Thank you for taking the feedback on price! I have purchased but not received just yet

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please wait im still trying to fiqure out how tebex works. you will receive your script soon!

Hi you have friends turned off bud can’t send you a request, add me? 𝘸allißツ#2905

Done :slight_smile:

lol XD

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no discord link no support link no preview video and 40$ lol

The preview video is right there. And its 30usd

Here it is

I wouldn’t even pay $5 for dis, why is dis so expensive?

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$30 for a Menu that’s not the same ole NP one everyone uses ain’t bad. People need to account for the time you spent making it and the quality. I will say I’d update the OG post as the price is wrong and the video is not apart of it. Other then that if it works well and is optimized. I don’t see why $30 is bad. Maybe that’s cuz some people can afford it :man_shrugging:t2:.

just a suggestion, consider posting a screen shot of the config, some people like seeing if the config is actually easy to use.


Early fix suggestion, replace convar “shoudclose” with correct annotation spelling of “shouldclose”

oh lol my bad ill fix it

Still too expensive for this kind of menu.

Stop making script for money and do it for passion!


i am not selling scripts for money. there are people who contacted me to buy this script so i thought why not put it on the forum.

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there was an bug in my current store so i have recreated another webstore

That’s way better than!

Wish you good luck!