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Sandy Shores Department of Justice Roleplay, a roleplay server That Has Different Department It has law enforcement, fire department, civilian operations, federal aviation administration, and so much more! We are a DOJ based roleplay server

Over here at SSDOJRP, we have multiple amazing departments including…

-San Andreas State Trooper
-Blaine County Sheriff’s Office
-Los Santos Police Department
-Fire Department
-Communications Department
-Certified Civilian Operations
-Public Cop

What makes SSDOJRP who we are?

  • A Server where Everyone Comes Together to Create Great RP
  • Content Creators That Interact with the Community
  • A 48 Slot Server
  • CAD
  • Discord Permissions and Custom Integrations
  • Active Developers that Work on Custom Scripts

Server Information
One public server that has public cop, whitelisted departments, civilian operations, and much more

To locate the custom cars and exclusive features we offer to visit the discord, to join the server input the IP address, and to apply for a department follow the forums!

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