Client keeps crashing

First time using FiveReborn to play on a RP server. But every time I join the server it crashes when I join in. I see the text, chat but the rest is a black screen. I copied/paste the handling files and did exactly what the guys at the server told me to… to no succes.

Then i re-installed both GTA and Five but still no succes.

Please help :slight_smile:

[Window Title]
pΛ Fatal Error

[Main Instruction]
pΛ has stopped working

An error caused pΛ to stop working. A crash report has been uploaded to the pΛ developers. If you require immediate support, please visit something and mention the details below.

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[Expanded Information]
Crash ID: 25c2d960-1c21-4577-a478-ee82a1e0db6a (use Ctrl+C to copy)

Error Format

Please provide the requested information.

Sorry for the long reply, I’ve been out of the country for 11 days.

GTA V version?
Up to date? Yes
Legit or Pirate copy? Legit
Steam/CD/Social Club? Social Club
Windows version? W10 Pro 64-bit (10.0 Build 14393)
Error screenshot
GTA V folder screenshot
GTA V/update/x64/dlcpacks screenshot
Filepath to FiveReborn folder C:\Users\jeroe\Downloads\FiveReborn
FiveReborn client folder screenshot &
CitizenFX.log CitizenFX.log.4 (180.8 KB)
.dmp files 7a6e60a1-0cf2-4366-8117-34b115ca82d8.rar (562.1 KB)

To add what I’ve already done, today I disabled Windows Defender (no other anti-virus) and I downloaded the Source SDK 2007 from steam. No luck