CivCity RP |Public |Serious RP|DOJ|Custom Gangs|Interactive Drugs| Whitelisted Jobs

In CivCity Roleplay, Our goal is to make you feel like a valued member of our community. We strive to create the best custom assets, liveries, and environments that can be found - to enhance your personal roleplay experience.
At CCRP, we believe you are your own best roleplayer. Immerse yourself in our valley, believe in the characters that you create, and live the life of a member within the CivCity Roleplay community!

What we offer?
-Custom Scripts :man_technologist:t4:
-Realistic Economy :moneybag:
-Serious RP🔥
-Active Staff👨🏼‍⚖
-Whitelist/NonWhitelist Jobs🏢
-Interactive Drugs :syringe::pill:
-Weapon Crafting​:gun::crossed_swords:
-Gangs :heavy_dollar_sign:
-Custom housing🏘
-Custom MLO/Ymaps🗺
+Tons More🔥

Legal Jobs:
-Mining :cyclone:
-Car Sales🚘
-Realestate Agent🕴
+Tons More!!:fire:

Illegal Jobs:
-Custom Bank Robberies🏧
-Store Robberies​:office::gun:
-Tons Of Drugs💉
-Rob Locals🙌🏽
-Gang Robbery💸
-Chop Shop :oncoming_automobile:
+Tons More🔥

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