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what version of es_extended do you use?

es extended final

prob resource using hex insted of license.

Nvm I’ve figured it out… this is by far what i’ve been editing, but i’m struggling changing the font? Would like to use the one in the original screenshots :frowning:



Can you share it? It seems so sexy

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Hey just wondering you’ve said it’s possible to convert to non-esx but you won’t release it because its to easy if its so easy why don’t you just release it there’s obviously demand for it and if the original poster won’t give out a Non-ESX version would anyone be interested in making it Non-ESX

Many people have already made a non esx version just use the search bar you’ll find a Non ESX version of it. I wont release the non esx version cause people should atleast do some work in this community if they want things specific way.

Hi guys, so recently i tried using this chat theme because its AWESOME and after i put everything in the server.cfg and delete cache, when im back on the server it continues showing the original fivem chat, any help?

Why is this happening?unknown

same here

I have problem with chat when I type /twt I can’t see who is writing in the chat … I made identity true from config but nothing …

i have a error in esx_rpchat line 9

Hello, I would like that when someone wrote for the / ooc in the chat the player’s ID would be shown.
I have this:

esx_rpchat / server / main.lua

TriggerEvent (‘es: addCommand’, ‘ooc’, function (source, args, user)
TriggerClientEvent (“sendProximityMessage”, -1, source, GetPlayerName (source), {128,128,128}, table.concat (args, “”))



AddEventHandler(‘sendProximityMessage’, function(id, name, message)

local myId = PlayerId()

local pid = GetPlayerFromServerId(id)

if pid == myId then

TriggerEvent('chatMessage', "^4 OOC | " .. name .. "", {128, 128, 128}, "^7 " .. message)

elseif GetDistanceBetweenCoords(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(myId)), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(pid)), true) < 19.999 then

TriggerEvent('chatMessage', "^4 OOC | " .. name .. "", {128, 128, 128}, "^7 " .. message)



Help, Thanks

try to concatenate:
.. source ..
where you would like to be, should show the player ID

Thanks when I can try it I’ll tell you if it works

Yes let me know, I would try like this for example:

TriggerEvent('chatMessage', "^4 OOC | " .. name .. "(".. source .. ")", {128, 128, 128}, "^7 " .. message)

If I try with

TriggerEvent('chatMessage', -1, "OOC | " .. GetPlayerName(source), {128, 128, 128}, table.concat(args, " "))

show me this:

Yes GetPlayerName(source) is supposed to print your name (not your IC name)…
In order to print the ID just put…


…where you want the ID to be. If you need any help you can dm me and i’ll help you

the name that puts in the image the name ooc, I would like it to put the same thing that it says in the photo:
OOC | name (ID): message