chHyperSound | 3D Positional Audio Library | Multi-Speaker | Entity Speakers


A fully-featured 3D positional audio sound effect system for FiveM.

This is a developer tool - it will do nothing for you out of the box.


  • 3D positional audio based on gameplay camera.
  • Play synchronized sound from multiple “speakers.”
  • Attach audio to entities, 3D positional audio follows them.
  • Automatically uses player’s SFX Volume settings.
  • Supports looped sounds.
  • 0.01ms idle, 0.07ms when playing from three speakers.



(Blue markers are for demo purposes to show where the speakers are.)


Support is generally not provided for this resource. If you encounter a valid bug, please submit a detailed issue on Github including reproduction steps. If you want to fix a bug or improve the library, pull requests are welcomed!


this is dope!!

I swear someone posted something like this before but it got removed. Maybe I’m remembering wrong.

Amazing resource! Good job man!

You mean this? [FREE] Sounity - 3D Sound Library - #5 by deterministic_bubble

Looks like it was removed for using NUI for audio