Chat Templates and Suggestions

I’m having some trouble with chat suggestions and templates. I think it may have something to do with the resource load order.

I want to move all chat suggestions and template events to a single resource. When I do this, my chat templates are not initializing, the only other way I have seen developers trigger chat templates is by using:

AddEventHandler("onClientMapStart", function()
TriggerEvent("chat:addTemplate", "blah", <blah> <b>{0}</b>: {1}")

TriggerEvent("chat:addSuggestion", "blah", {{name = "num", help = "number of blahs to print}, {name = "param2", help = "some param"})

This however attempts to add the template to the server every time a client joins resulting in a local "CHAT-WARN: Tried to add duplicate template ‘blah’"

I also have been having intermediate success with chat suggestions registering with this resource.

  • Does resource load order (e.g. system/chat -> chathelper) matter?
  • Is this the correct way to add templates? Why am I either receiving errors or just not adding the template?
  • What would cause chatsuggestions not to register and not report an error?

Do you still having this problem?

Don’t work with templates anymore. Couldn’t tell ya. Didn’t seem to effect anything and the template still worked.