Changes regarding FiveM servers

No, they blacklisted your unauthorized GSP… Should have read the TOS…

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Did you not read what I said? I’d probably be okay with this if they offered help switching from provider to provider, but no I now have to buy a NEW server, after I was billed last night for this month, upload over 9 gigs with an upload speed of 150 kb/s AND restart my database from complete scratch. Over 600 players have saved data in my DB and they all now have to restart!

And it appears you did not read what I just said…

Before even downloading the FiveM client, you have to accept the TOS… so there is no excuse at all for not reading it.

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Nah I read it clearly, so now I’m not allowed to voice an opinion on monopolization? Never said I didn’t read the ToS, never said I expected anything & I certainly didn’t say that I agree with element. My point is, it’s shitty to do to people who do nothing but support these developers with the platform they created! If you truly believed in a community driven project, you probably shouldn’t ADAMANTLY advertise the notion that you want nothing but enjoyment from your player base only to blacklist servers without any support or help in transitioning. :slight_smile:

I mean why would they offer support to port your server to a new host… thats your job. If you DID read the TOS you would not have had your server on a non authorized GSP…??..??

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5 months ago there WAS no authorized GSP?

But when it was announced they allowed everyone time to get their shit fixed.

Didn’t we already have this GSP conversation some time ago?

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Problem solved… Please close this thread -_-

Got a link to the post saying there will be a transition? Last I checked the only announcement given was stating that they are black-listing servers?

I believe everyone just wants something to bitch about. I had a game host before fivem servers started bsing blacklisted and i got all my stuff off and went to a VPS. Still funny we have now had this for a while now and you are STILL complaining. Ive had my shit ported for A LONG time now XD.

Also in SQL there is an export for a reason??? Could have saved all 600 of your peoples data.

Good for you? It literally has no affect on you, but does MANY other people, so I will reiterate


Stop saying I don’t understand and read what I say, I genuinely can’t state it any clearer.

P.S. I’m also forced to use a server in Europe although I live in the US, the transition has been in place for what, a month? and the Dallas servers are STILL not available.

Welp we have went to capitals. If you would open your god damn mind you guys would all understand the reasoning of them doing that but unfortunately it wont ever happen.

Virtual Private Server? My smallest vps is 15 a month.

What’s the reason then? I still am unsure of any benefit you could gain other than monetary value.

(20 charac…)

Honestly the rule of no profiting off of fivem still occurs to server hosts aswell which is why one of the reasons i would guess is to keep fivem running and to not get sued as I am sure thats one of their main goals. Just one of the reasons i could pull from my head as i am sure there a others.

You said your on a server in europe. Well ok thats your fault… you could have got a vps for 15 dollars a month in the us or even in canada and you would have been fine. Not sure why you would get one in europe.

Please guys, drop it.

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And stepping in because this is going to end badly like last time and create more of a shitstorm.
Seriously, this whole GSP topic has been covered.