Change key for personal actions


Do you know how can I change the key of personal actions such as raising hands or stooping completely,
or just pass out.

I can’t find the correct directory to change it
Thanks a lot

Nobody knows the file that changes the commands for these actions? Can’t believe it

Considering each resource does it in a separate way and place we can’t simply tell you how or where to change the for said resources which we don’t know anything about key.

A good start would be to look in the config file and if it’s not in there then look in the client side LUA file for IsControlJustReleased or IsDisabledControlJustReleased.

Mmm I was searching in esx animations but I don’t find anything relationated with this actions…
So I dont know how can I do…
Because I cant bend over or hands up :sob:


If you still haven’t found it yet, send me the file your trying to change and I’ll find it for you.

I want only to put the hands up and stooping completely… so I dont know if I have to put anything in dpemotes or esx_animations
Thanks! (5.3 MB)
esx_animations.rar (27.8 KB)

What are you trying to do, I’m a bit confused, are you trying to change the button to you put your hands up?

Yes! Now i cant to put my hands up or stooping, so Im searching the way to fix a key to do this action

So are you looking for a script that will let you put your hands up and crouch or are you trying to change the key to toggle the hands up and crouch?

Yes! Now i can only walk like this… this is with LEFT CTRL

So when you added esx_animations it removed your ability to crouch and walk?

Yes! I looking for a script

I have not tried that, I only know that with esx_animatios and with edmotes I cannot do those functions, but but I did not try to simplify with those scripts, I thought the assignment was made by me

Here is a hands up script:

Here is a crouch script:

This is the SOLUTION!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
So thanks so much sir!