Chameleon paints doesnt work in 2612


  1. Client (production/canary) and FXServer version
    Client 2612 - canary - 5603
  2. What you expected to happen
    Be able to use chameleon paints
  3. What actually happens
    Paint goes black
  4. Category of bug (eg. client, server, weapons, peds, native)
  5. Reproducible steps, preferably with example script(s)

It works fine on b2545 but not in b2612.
Thank you ! :slight_smile:

Hi. After doing a quick research we have found that it’s not actually a bug, but just a shady game logic :stuck_out_tongue:

In 2612 game build R* included original gen9 carcols meta file that is currently used on consoles (you can find this file here: update.rpf\common\data\carcols_gen9.meta), in which R* declared 61 new colors, from 161 to 222 id. So basically they shifted color ids.

When you calling SetVehicleColours(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), false), 161, 161) on build 2612 you actually trying to apply 161 Anodized Red color from the original meta file, not from the one that was streamed. You can easily fix it by shifting expected color ids, for example, if you want to use 161 Ramp Monochrome (from the resource that you included) you have to call SetVehicleColours(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), false), 223, 223)


Thank you very much for the investigation :slight_smile:

Ah!!! Thank you!
I was trying to use the IDs that started from 161. No wonder why it didnt work.

Hmm, Nevermind. The colours still do not work. Are they different for build 2699?

In case somebody find this post and wants to help @Xd_Golden_Tiger, no need, it was already answered here: