Monthly Update - March 2022 edition

As always you do not disappoint with your responses.

What would you consider ‘proper enforcement’ here?

  • Not giving a grace period: not ‘proper’, people start community raids and attacks overloading both our support staff and volunteer community moderators.
  • Giving a grace period: not ‘proper’ because of you considering it ‘not properly enforced’, also much higher conversion rates over time.

If your concern is something else, however, it’d be helpful to explicitly state that.

This is just a very basic thought, and I can think on it a bit more, but what about some type of rewards system implemented for length of time with Tebex on the FiveM side? Tackle it with a rewards style implementation. I’m not entirely sure what that would look like, yet, but by offering more incentive to play by the rules, it gets more playing by the rules, removing temptation to not play by the rules, and indirectly lowers the workload on the team handling such reports.

Could even look into some type of loyalty based on annual sales volume, or something of that sort. Granted, that is if Tebex wants to play ball with any proposals and concepts, but its an interesting theory/thought.

Migrating existing subscriptions across payment processors is a near-impossible operation, and doing so just to placate some people who are going to use it as a ‘justification’ to not read what they can and can not do is wrong.

We’re planning on rewriting the ToS page to be more readable and show examples of what is/isn’t accepted sometime in the near future, however. Think something like the Xbox Community Standards in readability.

I actually like this idea a lot, and I feel like that would be a great step forward in terms of getting more onboard to the proper way of doing things, in general, not just in regards to things like Tebex. As FiveM continues to grow tremendously, especially with streamers, this should absolutely be a “sooner rather than later” task.

These files are actually not downloaded from any servers we control and are rather from a P2P environment, in part due to bandwidth costs, in part due to these being more complete sets of game files than FiveM’s (which are delta patches), which may be questionable legally.

It is confusing that the UI looks the same as it does on FiveM, however, yes, and it may lead to the expectation that this is downloaded from some shared servers.

This has been something I’ve approached maybe a year back now. Is there anything we as a community can do to help speed things up a bit? Obviously there’s a lot of variables here, but I’m sure many of us would be absolutely willing to pitch in to help speed this process along to help grow the community.

If you don’t launch in ‘monitor mode’ (i.e. if passing a +exec argument), ‘txAdmin’ does not run at all.

However, I personally do agree the way Tabarra et al. are handling the relationship between the main project and their ‘sub-component’ has a lot of room for improvement, since we also often have to correct some perceived odd choices performed by them.

Good to know on this. I know I’ve had some pretty strange results before we went the route of ripping it out entirely. Perhaps it could be a Linux issue that’s cropping up at random though. I’ll play around with this some.

This is the one of the two parts about ‘txAdmin’ here that I’ll reply to, but I feel it having its own ‘official representatives’ is somewhat… problematic.

The other is that a missing access control feature can not remotely be seen as anyone’s ‘fault’, and blaming anyone here is counterproductive: both blaming @chrislenga for ‘giving someone permissions to kick people with any reason’ - people may violate trust unpredictably and take a complete 180, and blaming the txAdmin maintainers for not instantly prioritizing a feature to mitigate any abusive user input, do not help this discussion at all.

I don’t know if any other server owners had issues with staff writing inappropriate text in ‘ban reason’ fields, but if not, I can see why this feature wasn’t prioritized, and I can also see why @chrislenga wants to prevent this kind of thing from happening again, as that is a typical human response to sudden immoral behavior on the part of any individual, especially one that was considered trustworthy before.

The escalation about ‘I’ll talk to my lawyers!’ below is rather silly and even more so counterproductive. If you want to take legal action against anyone, why not do so against your abusive ex-staff member? :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree with you, as we need to get past the pointing fingers and get down to solutions at this point. I’m working on gathering data that proves this is a problem, and then bringing it back to our team to determine if we want to start pitching in, or go with something different. There’s now multiple issues we have with the txAdmin project and its team, so I’m not sure if our team is looking to work with them. I do believe the data is required though, as one server we help out on is actually dealing with a real big mess as a Twitch Partner got suspended due to a similar issue.

As far as the lawyers, this wasn’t so much let me run off to my lawyers and go after txAdmin or anything, but I would like to see what the options are and how we as a community that run servers cna protect ourselves. As you’ve pointed out above, things can be highly unpredictable, and many server owners are real life companies that could have severe consequences. It only takes one incident to get extremely messy as a result of social media nightmares, clips of incidents happening and so on.

Regarding the ex staff member, I am happy to report his ISP did in fact suspend his internet privileges for using their ISP to cyber bully through means of hate speech. They couldn’t get into details obviously, but it was addressed on that front.

We have since with guidance from our legal team began putting necessary disclosures in place to offer us more protection and options to deter similar behavior in the future.

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I don’t know what “gathering data” means in this context. In the last almost 3 years not a single admin ever reported this issue. If you think those people are out there, feel free to tell them to reach out to me as it would certainly be valuable information.
Also, would be really productive if you for once acknowledge that in my original github response I actually agreed that this could be a feature, and highlighted the technical reasons why I wouldn’t work on that. But as a small correction, as stated above, new input from other server admins will be taken into consideration.
And I find really hard to believe that getting kicked/banned/whatever from a server with “ToS words” in the reason would get you suspended from Twitch. If this happened, please ask this partner to contact me so I can understand better what happened.

Such as…?
Last time you “quit txadmin” was exactly the same reason: me not prioritizing a very much “you” feature request.

There are precisely two pull requests that are more than 3 weeks old (and not from the tx team itself), and the author of both of them are aware of the issue as they were discussed either on github or on discord.

Thanks CFX & TxAdmin :heart::pray:


RedM :gun::cowboy_hat_face:

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Was trying to use tebex API system. I sent about 50 requests in 2 minutes and it blocked my request for next 5 minutes lol.

Idk how fivem can expect us to use tebex as server owners when they don’t even have logical APIs to fetch player details and information and process them rapidly.

Contacting them did not result in any conclusive results. We just got responded by “Don’t spam requests”. But idk how a server running 100+ players can tebex + automation script for rewards.

I also have a question about outages,

Is it just me or only the servers who use encrypted maps/scripts only result in players crashing when a outage occurs?

I have seen many servers running perfectly fine if they are not using encrypted maps/scripts.

Maybe fivem crashes the clients if the server starts a map which cannot be verified? Or I might be totally something wrong.

Idk how you can expect us to expect any different when you don’t report any issues you run into, ask anyone for assistance, or request APIs that you feel you need.

Yeah, that is ‘just you’. There’s no client-to-backend check for ‘encrypted scripts’ at all, this is all handled and checked when the server starts and authenticates its key stuff.

‘players crashing when an outage occurs’ is an entirely unrelated bug that happened since last week’s update no matter if a server ‘uses encrypted scripts’ and in fact got fixed in this week’s update.

We do report them. But maybe we just let it slip when no one bothers to fix it.

The only topic you linked related to Tebex wasn’t even a report, it was a question, that some community member also responded to, and you then subsequently ignored that response.

The second is a report that would be considered as low priority even if someone did see, and the third looked like a vague request as ‘provide’ should already work that way, and also wasn’t noticed by anyone at the time it was posted.

Again, not sure how anyone should ‘bother to fix’ a question that isn’t even a report.


Yo awesome work!
Two things:

  • RedM website is really nice.
  • please fix your major outages/shutdowns. Its frustrating, people even pay your patreon licenses and then they have those out times. It would be awesome if you could remove the “request Server” when trying to login to a server.

Thanks for reading and have a good day.

Every other ‘game companies’, for example, Ubisoft and Rockstar have outages too.
I don’t think that your argument ‘people even pay your Patreon’ makes any sense. Paying Patreon subscriptions and having outages aren’t related in any way, unless Patreon has an outage. That’s just the same thing as that you would buy csgo and then say ‘omg, I bought the game but there is an outage, fix it.’

If the maintainers don’t know that there is an issue, they can’t fix it. Once an issue appears, and there is an outage. They investigate and fix it as soon as possible.

In my opinion, the maintainers have done a pretty good job, handling all of these recent outages.

Thanks for the info and hard work!

please fix your major outages/shutdowns. Its frustrating, people even pay your patreon licenses and then they have those out times. is a open source platform. Outages happen, like with ever other ‘company’. You simply can’t “fix your major outages”, when they are made aware they issue a fix. By the way, the patron subscription is not required and completely volunteer based :stuck_out_tongue:.

tl;dr shit happens.

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