Can't Connect To Severs: HTTP 403 Error Code

What is the issue you’re having?

When I try and load into ang server I get prompted with this…

What have you tried already to fix the issue?

Enabling Firewall I have tried

What server did you get this issue on?


Error screenshot(s)

Windows version

Windows 11

System specifications

Ryzen 7 5800
32gb of ram
Internet Speed of 100-120 MB/S

Antivirus software


Additional comments

Please help IDK what to do…

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Try other servers and see if the error occurs there as well

It does.
I have tried.

Then you’ve got something on your network restricting access; check your side (custom firewall/“antivirus” solutions), if you can’t find anything it may be your ISP, so contact them for support next

Where would I find this at?

On your PC, it’s your PC so I can’t help with that

hye please help me i can’t remove this and i don’t know How to do it

Next time if you need assistance, open your own topic - hijacking other users’ posts is not allowed.
That said, that’s called NetGraph, you can toggle it in the F8 console under one of the options at the top. If you’re not seeing the corresponding option you may need to temporarily switch your game build to either Beta or Canary, then switch back.