Cannot start Server fxdk

Hello i installed FxDK and have a problem if i press start server nothing happens and i become a error i have here the citizenfc.log here and the error how appers

[      9687] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/ Starting server {
[      9687] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/   "fxserverCwd": "C:\\Users\\Script PC\\Desktop\\TamiBoy\\3TamiBoy\\.fxdk\\fxserver",
[      9687] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/   "updateChannel": "recommended",
[      9687] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/   "steamWebApiKey": "",
[      9703] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/   "tebexSecret": ""
[      9703] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/ }
[      9734] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/ [GameConnectionService] FPS has been limited to 60
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/ ^1Error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'extUri')
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at C.doesChangeAffects (C:\Users\Script PC\Desktop\FiveM\\citizen\sdk\sdk-root\fxcode\out\vs\fxdk\node\server.js:37:11579)
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at C:\Users\Script PC\Desktop\FiveM\\citizen\sdk\sdk-root\fxcode\out\vs\fxdk\node\server.js:37:11475
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at Array.some (<anonymous>)
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at C:\Users\Script PC\Desktop\FiveM\\citizen\sdk\sdk-root\fxcode\out\vs\fxdk\node\server.js:37:11462
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at C:\Users\Script PC\Desktop\FiveM\\citizen\sdk\sdk-root\fxcode\out\vs\fxdk\node\server.js:8:52577
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at (C:\Users\Script PC\Desktop\FiveM\\citizen\sdk\sdk-root\fxcode\out\vs\fxdk\node\server.js:10:1712)
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at Be.onDidChangeFile (C:\Users\Script PC\Desktop\FiveM\\citizen\sdk\sdk-root\fxcode\out\vs\fxdk\node\server.js:21:29391)
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at C:\Users\Script PC\Desktop\FiveM\\citizen\sdk\sdk-root\fxcode\out\vs\fxdk\node\server.js:21:15492
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at (C:\Users\Script PC\Desktop\FiveM\\citizen\sdk\sdk-root\fxcode\out\vs\fxdk\node\server.js:10:1712)
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at C:\Users\Script PC\Desktop\FiveM\\citizen\sdk\sdk-root\fxcode\out\vs\fxdk\node\server.js:21:12697
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at b.onDidFilesChange (C:\Users\Script PC\Desktop\FiveM\\citizen\sdk\sdk-root\fxcode\out\vs\fxdk\node\server.js:21:41276)
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at C:\Users\Script PC\Desktop\FiveM\\citizen\sdk\sdk-root\fxcode\out\vs\fxdk\node\server.js:18:53608
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at a.queue (C:\Users\Script PC\Desktop\FiveM\\citizen\sdk\sdk-root\fxcode\out\vs\fxdk\node\server.js:12:12106)
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at C:\Users\Script PC\Desktop\FiveM\\citizen\sdk\sdk-root\fxcode\out\vs\fxdk\node\server.js:12:13597
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at C:\Users\Script PC\Desktop\FiveM\\citizen\sdk\sdk-root\fxcode\out\vs\fxdk\node\server.js:12:13059
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at process.runNextTicks [as _tickCallback] (node:internal/process/task_queues:61:5)
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at onTick (citizen:/scripting/v8/timer.js:227:28)
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at citizen:/scripting/v8/timer.js:270:13
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at Number.__cfx_wrap_1153 (citizen:/scripting/v8/main.js:23:12)
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at citizen:/scripting/v8/main.js:29:16
[     40594] [         FiveM]      UV loop: svMain/     at citizen:/scripting/v8/timer.js:269:16^7

CitizenFX_log_2022-02-11T231612.log (88.2 KB)

thanks for the help i will need it really thanks

1 Like

somone can help please ?

Could you please provide some re-pro steps on how you caused this to happen? I highly doubt this was caused by just launching fxdk alone, if that were the cause, many people would be having issues right now. So please provide a re-pro the best way you can, thanks! :slight_smile:

Hi !
I have the same error on screen bot left, but without any output.
I suspect that our windows username have a blank space in it !
Must to try with another windows user account to confirm.
But I have this problem since fxdk started (since ~1year) so I left it aside telling myself that it was not yet stable at the time, but there the following year and still the same problem.
To be continued…

Confirmed, with a new windows account without whitespace fxdk work, server can be started without any problem.