Cannot Connect to FiveM Server on Dedicated Host

GTA V version? Latest (not sure what versioning, but as of May 9th its current with Steam)
Up to date? Yes.
Legit or Pirate copy? Legit version.
Steam/CD/Social Club? Steam.
Windows version? Windows 10 latest.
Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again? Probably irrelevant…? But no.
Error screenshot (if any) N/A
System specifications PC: 6700K 16GB DDR4 GTX970 - Dedi: i3 8GB DDR3…? 2TB? KimSufi Dedi Ubuntu 16.04.3
What did you do to get this issue? Installed Server on Ubuntu 16.04, ran with default server.cfg - no connection. Firewall disabled too.
What server did you get this issue on? My own dedicated server.
CitizenFX.log file Is there one for server?

Also add what you already tried so far.

Installed Server on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS, Tried Direct Connect. No Server Found. Checked Firewall, Permitted Ports in UFW, Enabled UFW (by the way, Server crashes if it can’t talk to key authentication services… its kinda ugly), Disabled UFW, Changed binded IP from to server IPv4 Address. Tried with sudo, tried with root.


Server Output:

phunter@ns508023:~/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data$ ./
Resolved to
Found new resource fivem-awesome1501 in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//fivem-awesome1501
Found new resource runcode in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//runcode
Found new resource fivem-map-skater in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//fivem-map-skater
Found new resource fivem-map-hipster in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//fivem-map-hipster
Found new resource fivem in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//fivem
Found new resource obituary-deaths in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[gameplay]/obituary-deaths
Found new resource channelfeed in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[gameplay]/channelfeed
Found new resource irc in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[gameplay]/irc
Found new resource obituary in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[gameplay]/obituary
Found new resource playernames in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[gameplay]/playernames
Found new resource gameInit in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[test]/gameInit
Found new resource keks in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[test]/keks
Found new resource betaguns in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[test]/betaguns
Found new resource race in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[gamemodes]/race
Found new resource race-test in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[gamemodes]/race-test
Found new resource scoreboard in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[system]/scoreboard
Found new resource hardcap in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[system]/hardcap
Found new resource baseevents in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[system]/baseevents
Found new resource chat in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[system]/chat
Found new resource spawnmanager in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[system]/spawnmanager
Found new resource sessionmanager in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[system]/sessionmanager
Found new resource ■■■■■■■ in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[system]/■■■■■■■
Found new resource mapmanager in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[managers]/mapmanager
Found new resource yarn in /home/phunter/FiveM_Servers/Pghpunkid/server-data/resources//[system]/[builders]/yarn
Started resource sessionmanager
Started resource mapmanager
Started resource chat
Started resource spawnmanager
Started gametype Freeroam
Started resource fivem
Started resource hardcap
Started resource ■■■■■■■
Started resource scoreboard
Started resource playernames
Authenticating server license key…
Server license key authentication succeeded. Welcome!
cfx> Sending heartbeat to
Started map fivem-map-hipster
Started resource fivem-map-hipster

Server Config:

# only change these if you're using a server with multiple network interfaces
endpoint_add_tcp ""
endpoint_add_udp ""

start mapmanager
start chat
start spawnmanager
start sessionmanager
start fivem
start hardcap
start ■■■■■■■
start scoreboard
start playernames

# allow client mods such as Lamda Menu?
sv_scriptHookAllowed 0

# change this
rcon_password --redacted--

# a comma-separated list of tags for your server
# for example: sets tags "drifting, cars, racing" or sets tags "roleplay, military, tanks"
sets tags "default"

sv_hostname "Test Server And Stuff"

# nested configs!
#exec server_internal.cfg

# loading a server icon (96x96 PNG file)
#load_server_icon myLogo.png

# convars for use from script
set temp_convar "hey world!"

# Uncomment to DISABLE your server coming up in the server list
#sv_master1 ""

# want to only allow players authenticated with a third-party provider like Steam (don't forget, Social Club is a third party provider too!)?
#sv_authMaxVariance 1
#sv_authMinTrust 5

# add system admins
add_ace group.admin command allow # allow all commands
add_ace group.admin command.quit deny # but don't allow quit
#add_principal identifier.steam:110000112345678 group.admin # add the admin to the group

# remove the # to hide player endpoints in external log output
#sv_endpointprivacy true

# server slots limit (must be between 1 and 32)
sv_maxclients 32

# license key for server (
sv_licenseKey --redacted--

Wat do.

i would contact the host and ask them if the ports for the server are closed and go from there… its possible there not opened on there end.

Well, I had a few thoughts of that myself, and tried multiple ports and had the same results. I frequently use this server for node.js app’s and other development and have had no issues.

I tried ports 10320, 10340, 7777, 5000 (tested using socket client/server with PHP and worked), 5001 and all to no avail. Ill try a different host tomorrow, as I burned my whole night toying with this, and still have a lot of time to go setting up a new host.

well i would ask them to open the ports first instead of moving hosts.

I have the exact same issue. Even if you disable or even uninstall UFW and clear the iptables, it still won’t work.

However, I found after uninstalling UFW, and then REBOOTING the server, it will start working again. But if you try to enable UFW again, it will again stop working until you reboot.

@DeeJayh, this is the same issue you had in your other thread: FiveM FX Server won't respond to queries

This is not a host/networking problem, because any other service on any other port (that’s allowed through UFW) works completely fine. Only FiveM has this problem.

probably because the host does not have those specific ports open, so i wouldnt say it isnt a host/networking issue before contacting the host.

The host does not block those ports, and yes, I have checked with them already.

  • If you disable/uninstall UFW and reboot the physical server, everything works fine
  • If you stop the FiveM server and run something else (say, a NodeJS or other web application) on the exact same port, with UFW enabled, it works completely fine.

Like DeeJayh said in his thread, I’m also not new to server administration, and I’m pretty confident that this is not an issue that the web host can solve.

dont think its something FiveM can solve either as the servers do work but i have heard of issues with ufw and fivem not sure how others have solved it.

Maybe its worth looking for a UFW log and seeing what UFW thinks about this whole situation… There has to be a reason why FiveM and UFW don’t mix very well.

possibly, i never used ufw myself but i would perhaps use a different firewall if its an option for the mean time.

Yeah I disabled and removed UFW and its working. I have no idea why it decided to be a pain, but its back to iptables-persistent I go… I was recommended UFW by a friend, but if its not 100% for some reason, ill go to what i know more of.

For future reference, Uninstall UFW, and reboot the server. Should be good.

i have the same issue, but ufw is not installed. and all port are opened with iptables. Anyone would be able to help me?

did you try contacting your host to make sure the ports are not being blocked?

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