[Canary / b2372] Keybinds menu has a constant "conflict" error, and deleting keybinds will crash the game

On b2372, Keybinds menu has a consistent “There are inputs that are currently unbound or conflict” showing, that doesn’t let the user save their keybinds, and trying to delete any keybind will cause the game to crash.

Trying to “Restore All Defaults” will not work.

I ran this on a clean server, just with default resources.


I tried running it with ‘chat’ resource turned off too, RegisterKeyMapping() was the cause, but it seems to not make any difference.

Crash Dump:
CfxCrashDump_2021_07_27_10_05_32.zip (1.3 MB)

[Window Title]
Error FiveM_b2372_GTAProcess.exe+2E99F3

[Main Instruction]

An error at FiveM_b2372_GTAProcess.exe+2E99F3 caused FiveM to stop working. A crash report is being uploaded to the FiveM developers.

Legacy crash hash: cup-lactose-utah
Stack trace:
gta-core-five.dll!rage::RunEntries (0x1a1) (GameSkeleton.cpp:187)
gta-core-five.dll!rage::RunEntries (0x172) (GameSkeleton.cpp:187)
gta-core-five.dll!rage::gameSkeleton::RunUpdate (0x1c1) (GameSkeleton.cpp:207)

[^] Hide details [Save information] [Close]

[Expanded Information]
Crash signature: fivem.exe+2E99F3
Report ID: si-e2fe9ea7b32241debe49096d6a744349
You can press Ctrl-C to copy this message and paste it elsewhere.


  • Join a b2372 server.
  • Go to Settings > Keybinds
    • “There are inputs that are currently unbound or conflict” error should come up.
  • Try to detele any keybind, by clicking on it and hitting “Delete”
    • Game should crash.

Another variant of this:

I guess these are build specific and not or-greater again :upside_down_face:

1 Like

Update fixes the key bind changing errors. You can now modify key binds and save them successfully.

What it didn’t get fixed is key bind deletion. This still cause the game to crash on b2372.

CfxCrashDump_2021_07_28_11_08_46.zip (1.4 MB)

[Window Title]
Error FiveM_b2372_GTAProcess.exe+2E99F3

[Main Instruction]

An error at FiveM_b2372_GTAProcess.exe+2E99F3 caused FiveM to stop working. A crash report is being uploaded to the FiveM developers.

Legacy crash hash: cup-lactose-utah
Stack trace:
gta-core-five.dll!rage::RunEntries (0x1a1) (GameSkeleton.cpp:187)
gta-core-five.dll!rage::RunEntries (0x172) (GameSkeleton.cpp:187)
gta-core-five.dll!rage::gameSkeleton::RunUpdate (0x1c1) (GameSkeleton.cpp:207)

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[Expanded Information]
Crash signature: fivem.exe+2E99F3
Report ID: si-b83dc9b12c224513a83cf17b5dea0036
You can press Ctrl-C to copy this message and paste it elsewhere.

This happens on all key binds, not just FiveM ones.

Deleting key binds on b2189 and then switching to b2372 doesn’t cause any errors, so probably the issue is on deleting them, not on having blank controls.

Should be fixed in fix(input/five): fix crash on b2372 · citizenfx/fivem@5da59f5 · GitHub

Issue is now fixed on my end. Thread can be closed.


How does this work, I do not know how to program so how would I fix my issue exactly, I have the same problem except for the fact that my game does not crash, it just begins to activate the empty keybindings when I tab out and back in. Am I supposed to copy and paste that into my F8 menu?

The fact that you don’t know how to use this functionality doesn’t mean that you have “the same problem”. In fact you said yourself that it’s not “the same problem” by mentioning it doesn’t crash for you… Before bumping a 2 years old topic, put some effort in researching.
See Using the new console key bindings – FiveM Cookbook for more information about this feature.