Can´t join because of steam but steam is open

Hello I wanted to ask if anyone knows how I can fix this problem my Steam is open (I opened it before I opened fivem) Steam is in Beta mode (I already tried it without beta mode) I already know this problem is because of essentialmode but I want to know how to fix it


Have you set a Steam Web API key?

sorry I response now and no I think I don´t where do I set that?

server config, for example

add_principal identifier.steam: group.admin #Wolkenklar
like this and with the steamID64 (Dec)?

It works with this now but now I get this error

nope I know now why the other error came and how to fix it but now I have the problem with steam again. I think it doesn´t recognize steam

no, see the docs I linked

Got it now thx