Can someone help me? I can not get admin on my server

Can someone tell me what I should put here please I can not get admin with use the commands / givecash more says the player is not online

I’m not very familiar with es_admin, but it looks like you’re changing which system users can modify the database, not in-game players.

Then forget this part I already know that it is not there that I get admin from my server
I want to know what I owe here in this part of my database

If you’re on CitizenMP use the rcon; setadmin

If you’re on FXServer you can get rcon via this

Or you can just change your group and permission level in your database.

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Yes, that’s what I want
But when I go edit it says that I’m in conflict and I can not save

I tried to use you and he told me that he has to activate rcon_password
And the other thing that you said give permission for the database I did tb and nothing happened I do not know what to do anymore nobody gives me an answer
Concrete and accurate
Thank you anyway, I appreciate your help.

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