Can some one help me that my cars save the tunings?

hey im trying to find out how i can make my cars save can some one help me ?

i know i swiched it :smiley:

Save where?

like the tunings
forgot to put it on it :smiley:

you mean like a car save menu?

no i want to make the tunings from the LSCustons save like if you go in and tune the bumper than the bumper saves on the car if you take it out of you garage again (Vrp) sorry forgot that too :smiley:

oh. yeah I can’t help you there.

oh ok :frowning:

to save the modifications you would have to have everything in the database and if you do not have it you would have to create them yourself

i have same problem here (vRP server) how do i make it so its in database ?

Sorry Cant help you there i make now a esx server

you need to have vrp_garages, lscustoms, vrp_showroom but most important thing,

you have to change ‘mysql-async’ version in server.cfg

download 3.32 or 21881 and change your mysql-async in your resources folder then,
start it in your server.cfg