Can i report a crack to help fivem fix it?

Hi i am here because i want to see if i can help fivem with patching cracks! i have found a crack on this guy’s youtube video and i have cracked gta and real version i have cracked to help fivem fix patches! i mainly use real version for fivem and gta5 i am one of those people that would like to help people that make games and modded clients that prevent cracked/pirated copies. and i would hope you guys fix this because i honestly think it is unfair to the game owners and you guys because first of all Rockstar games makes better games if you support them by buying the original copy and if you get pirated/cracked mainly the pirated copies get the money because sometimes they send through links like adfly and all that! and even sometimes they get donated for free games! unfortantly there is no way to stop crackers! but i would like it if you guys atleast patch this one for me!

link: [see revision history]

Thanks - we took note of it, also redacted the link so others won’t abuse it. We’ll fix it shortly!

thanks! i always like to help communities out!

Seems like there’s a new one on YouTube.

what do you mean i do not see any for june 9th i searched youtube and there is nothing for june 9th

I just searched. Still there. Don’t know how I should send the link to someone from the collective though.

There is another crack on that guys youtube channel

I will redact link once a dev, admin, or owner knows

Link: (Redacted so its not abused)

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