C# External Dll's

Hello, is there any documentation which show’s how to add external dll’s in order to be able to properly use c#, or any topic that sorted out this problem? because so far I wasn’t able to do it, here is something that I tried:

For example:
Let’s say that I want to use HttpClient It will require “System.Net.Http.dll” and “System.Net.Dll” so in theory in _resource.lua I should add these lines, and in the folder where Client.net.dll is located I should have a copy of the 2 required dll’s

client_script {

But when a certain function is being called by Client.net.dll from an external dll, it says that he wasn’t able to find it.

Using HttpClient on the client isn’t going to work, why would you need to do an http request on the client?

For other dependencies such as idk newtonsoft.json you need to add to file directive in resource manifest

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Thank you, you are right I need to use this on server side, do you have any link where the differences between server scripts and client scripts are being explained?