Build 3095: Chop Shop DLC IPLs ! [Drag and Drop]

So i could not find anywhere (at least in Releases) where someone have made an easy drag n drop resource for the IPLs of the ChopShop DLC. So i did it and now im releasing the script (free ofc)

Build: 3095
Artifacts: 7257
FiveM Setting: Canary version = on (for now, will change in the future.)

Github: GitHub - GungeGP/ChopShopIPLs: Just a IPL loader

Now the build: 3095 is still not fully out (why canary version) so there might be bugs. but I will not provide support. if you for some stupid reason can’t get this very simple script to work.
well wait and try again later…

Some Pictures Of The IPLs



Random, but high quality shells



would be pretty cool if you just made a pr to bob74s ipl loader so it can be a single resource but nice release


If you want it in one resource. you can just copy over the IPLs and load them in whatever resource you want. I just wanted the community to have some cool new IPLs :slight_smile:

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Sweet /._./

Cool! I was working on that too. You forgot to activate the “EntitySets”.
Take a look at what I was working on: FiveM The Chop Shop IPLS and Entity Sets

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Where do you guys get source for entity sets and so on? R* files or?

Well Thanks very much, i Will make sure it’s updated on github. (With your credit ofc)

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OpenIV. That a good start. Otherwise there are Also websites that does the job. But You would have to wait for Them to Update - so i use OpenIV when an Update lands.

You can find the entity sets in the following ways: Open the ‘example_dlc_int.ytyp’ with the OpenIV; CodeWalker RPF Explorer and search for <entitySets>. Also you can use the CodeWalker map editor, PlebMasters website or through decompiled GTA V scripts. I took the entity sets from the decompiled scripts.

New Updated version out on the github.

(Thanks to @harzard for the start of fully completed IPLs)

Note: Still need to do more, but this is a step forward. So here:

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so i am having an issue with the build, my server artifacts are on the newest and when i set the game build im told its invalid

Do you have FIveM in Beta (Canary) ??
That’s required for now.

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Just wanted to ask, does this cover the existing IPL’s that’s in bob74_ipl?

No. It does not. only the ipls from the newest update.
This resource has nothing to do with bob74_ipl