[FREE] [ESX] Brp-fivem-appearance

Hey I am using cui_character for character creation and when a player joins first time I get 2 menus 1 from cui and 1 from this one, can I disable it somehow?

do i need to stop esx_skin , skinchanger ? when i loaded up my char is a default npc now
and i got this when go to cloth shop

Does this work with QB-core? I’d love to use it…

AddEventHandler(‘esx:onPlayerSpawn’, function()
local ped = PlayerPedId()
FreezeEntityPosition(ped, true)
while not HasCollisionLoadedAroundEntity(ped) do
if HasCollisionLoadedAroundEntity(ped) then
ESX.TriggerServerCallback(‘fivem-appearance:getPlayerSkin’, function(appearance)
FreezeEntityPosition(ped, false)

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Is there a way to remove in the menu the possibility that they can change the type of order? I want to leave only mp_m_freemode and mp_f_freemode.

keep getting this on esx legacy

im getting the same error when creating a character, when i try to turn the camera around or use the head/body/leg views, the camera ends up turned around and faces their back and im not sure how to fix this

When I register with esx_identity and create a new character with multicharacter, there’s a slight issue with the camera as shown here: fivem appearance 1

also im having trouble saving outfits, I can get the clothing saving across restarts but I cant have multiple outfits as shown in this video: fivem appearance 2

are we allowed to change the ui for this? if so i wanna pay someone to make a me a custom ui for it

I just installed the script on my server and I have an issue, when I try to change the outfit it doesn’t show the menu, I don’t know why :frowning:

It happens too when I wan to delete an outfit, i saw a comment of a guy who had this problem, but i do have the identifier!

many thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Why would you use two clothing systems at the same time ?? Doesn’t make any sense

ahhh I can manage to save outfits?

anybody know how to get this working with allhousing?


Can someone help me, why is this feature using resources even though I don’t use this feature in game.

Btw: i’m not good at js, about script: there is no loop running. Sorry for my bad english.

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Screenshot by Lightshot and it bugs till restart nh-context


I get this error and only appears when I restart the script but stop a lot of scripts when I restart

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HELP. Do I need all dependencies?


You can use GitHub - zf-development/zf_context: Simple and Easy to use Context Menu (Good replacement for ESX Menu Default) and replace NH context menu to solve most issues

is it easy to set it up?

no :confused: