British Police Roleplay | PvE (NEW COMMUNITY AND EXPANDING)

Hey, are you looking for a new Roleplay server?

British Police Roleplay is a FiveM Police Roleplay Server based around UK policing, featuring different sections and positions such as AFO, RPU, NPAS etc.

We would love it if you could come and have a look at our server! :slight_smile:

Join our discord to find out more! Applications are open for all positions currently!

This server would be great for anyone looking for mainly just LEO RP. Its heavily focused on LEO’s. Would not recommend it for anything else. Good server overall & lots of work put into it based off the initial view.

discord link invalid, is this server still around ? if so could someone please send me the discord invite link.

Dont fancy helping us do you lol

i could help add me on discord - OwenM#4845

added you mate