Boundless RP 2.0 | Serious RP | Racing | Custom Scripts | Civilian Jobs | Criminal Activities | Drugs | Crafting | Hiring PD + EMS ALL POSITIONS

Rose & JJ didn’t come as prepared as I with my awesome cat helmet :sunglasses:

Yes, our pier actually has WORKING rides. :smiley:




Boundless RP Patch Notes (11/28/2022)


  • A recent limo and taxi service have opened up in the city for your personal use!


  • New plumbing lines have been installed for you to comfortably take a shower and do the dishes in your home!
  • Ever feeling a little sleepy and wanna dream without going into a deep slumber? Well now you can just lay down and dream about whatever or WHOEVER you want!

[Clothing Stores and Barbers]

  • A new shipment of clothing has been sent from the warehouse for both males and females!
  • The barbers have went off to training and added a few new hairstyles to their repertoire!


  • A new gardening company is starting to provide their services in upkeeping lawns to place your beautiful outdoor furniture on!


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We’re glad we can provide! You TOO can decorate outside of your property! No more “only indoor furnishings”! Make YOUR zen garden today by joining us on Boundless RP!

Boundless RP Patch Notes (12/01/2022)

Oh, the snow outside is light fall,
But the decorations are so delightful,
Los Santos is the place to go,
Let it snow! No it’s not blow! You should go!

Boundless doesn’t show signs of stopping,
I hear new cars are dropping,
Yard decor means you need to mow,
Let it snow! Still not blow!

When we finally say goodnight,
How we’ll hate the incoming storm,
But if we try with all of our might,
We can make this fun be the norm.

Krapea is made for buying,
Pillbox is where you go for dying,
Just don’t go to Mission Row,
Let it snow! Fine it’s blow and snow! :musical_note: :notes:


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Casual Sundays are definitely something to think about :thinking:


Mini Boundless RP Patch Notes (12/04/2022)


  • What do you call a Russian wearing a headscarf, A balaclava and a helmet, anything you want, he can’t hear a thing!
  • What did the hat say to the scarf? You hang around, I’ll go on ahead!
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Boundless RP Patch Notes (12/05/2022)


  • Rumor has it Santa is in town occasionally
  • Festive food items and plushies have been delivered
  • A few holiday recipes have been added to the cook book
  • You can now pick up that white powdery stuff off the ground, just avoid the yellow parts
  • A lake has frozen over

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Just a reminder that Trey Bakers Christmas Celebration is TONIGHT at 9:30pm EST! Come join us for games, food, raffles, and more!

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New imports dropping TOMORROW! Come out and find out what YOUR future car will be!!


Reminder that the new imports release TONIGHT! COME DOWN AND CHECK IT OUT!


Boundless RP Patch Notes (12/12/2022)


  • You can build different types of snowman from the snow pile in Legion


  • An intern has arrived at the Vineyard in hopes of landing that big job soon, so come by and help her out, just make sure you’re 21
  • If you don’t want to live in filth perhaps you should check out YouTool

Just a reminder, the start of Christmas Week has begun! Tonight’s Event:

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It’s that time of year!

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Boundless RP Patch Notes (01/21/2023)


  • Due to an influx of goods and cash flow, if you can steal or sell it you can profit
  • Universal keys found in the trash can now open more than one thing
  • The man on the other end of the phone now provides keys for the vehicle
  • You can now touch the keypad on the ocean all you want and only button pressing counts


  • The government has graciously decided to funnel money back into the community to stimulate the economy, so all jobs (and side jobs) now pay more for working less
  • Once you level your skills in crafting you then unlock all recipes for the previous level
  • PDM has reduced all cars by 30% and have ordered extra stock to celebrate the sale
  • Car manufacturers have sent an update to vehicle chips, so the car won’t be rooted for merely tapping a tree at 30 mph
  • Benny’s mechanics have attended an efficiency training course and can now work on cars even faster!
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1 entry per person. Submit multiple pictures to showcase your room and send them to Ivy Brandt. Voting will be open to the public on 2/6. Krapea gift certificates and cash prizes! Deadline 2/5!

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