Beyond Horizon RP | Whitelist Applications Open | Serious RP | Gangs | Real Estate | Custom Vehicles | Hidden Drugs | Custom Housing | Player Owned Businesses | Active Police & EMS | Hiring | Active Staff | Real-Economy | 5K Starting Cash & Apartment

:fire: Beyond Horizon RP :fire:

Welcome To Beyond Horizon, where anything is possible and the only limit is your imagination!

Serious RP Server :white_check_mark:
Active & Supportive Community :white_check_mark:
Round The Clock Dev Work :white_check_mark:
Active & Experienced Staff / Admins :white_check_mark:

What Does Beyond Horizon Have To Offer You May Ask? Well…

150+ Imported Vehicles :red_car: ( feel free to put better more accurate number )
Realistic Economy :goat:
Hidden Drugs :fire:
Custom Housing & Interiors :house_with_garden:
Player Owned Businesses :dollar:
Active Police & EMS :rotating_light:
Whitelisted Gangs :eyes:
Starter Apartment :derelict_house:
Starter Cash :heart:
Player Owned Pets :cat2::poodle:

Beyond Horizon Offers Multiple Jobs Including But Not Limited To…

Police :police_car:
EMS :ambulance:
DOJ ( Lawyers / Judge ) :balance_scale:
Fire Department :rotating_light:
Mechanics :hammer_and_wrench:
Taxi Drivers :taxi:
Truck Driver :truck:
Lumberjack :axe:
Farming :cow2:

Does this sound like a server that you would be interested in joining? Do the things we mentioned spark some interest? Please feel free to join the discord below! Look forward to see every new person and becoming apart of our awesome community!