[Release] MySQL Async Library - 3.3.2

I’ve created my tables and everything. Connection is fine.
Is this normal?
It looks like it’s trying to kill a process but I dont know for what reason.
Can anyone steer me in the right direction?

Console: https://gyazo.com/f0b76c5d15132a71547bd02cdadd0336

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Its the changes thatve been made in 0.2.2

Add a optional script to clear connections every 10sec

You can change the script so it do not execute or raise it to only execute every 10 minute. Personally I did that because I dont like when it spams my server console.


I will pay someone to help me quick on creating tables for LastPos. jus ton discord quick or something. Do i even need this resource to use lastposdb?

Guys how can i upgrade to Async and not loose the ability to see my money on the top right? please help!

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When include MySQL.lua throw an error MySqlConnector.dll

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Hello, i have a new problem as shown below

Hum, don’t know by looking at it, this errors can means many things so cannot know withtout debugging myself, also you concat your fields instead of using parameters (@var) this is problematic, as if someone change his identifier to something like (Test', '', '', '', ''); DROP DATABASE; /** It can destroy everything :).

What is my error ?

Error seems to come from lua and not mysql, are you sure this is the right syntax for multiline string ?

It looks like it’s trying to kill a process but I dont know for what reason.

Like said by Albers it’s an optional script to kill connections, as there was a bug of connections stilling available, but it should not be needed since corrections of lasts bugs, for disabling this script just remove the mysql-async mod from your server config citmp-server.yml, this mod don’t do any action it’s just a lib so it’s safe to remove it.

Guys how can i upgrade to Async and not loose the ability to see my money on the top right? please help!

How is this related ?

When include MySQL.lua throw an error MySqlConnector.dll

Dll files need to be acknowledge on windows, right click and activate on this file (or other words don’t speak russian) there is many others topics on this subject on the forum.

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|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server|Error invoking timer in resource mysql-async: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

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PM me and will see what i can do :slight_smile:

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Hey, always got that warn when someone trying to connect to my server.

Waiting ~10s on “Connecting to the server…” and then allow the client to connect.

EN: “Parameters Year, Month and Day describe a DateTime that cannot be represented”

Any idea ? x’)

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can you help me Brouznouf

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EN: “Parameters Year, Month and Day describe a DateTime that cannot be represented”

Its because you have a field datetime in your database that as a value of 0000-01-01 (which is not a valid date) but don’t worry it’s just a warning to inform you and nothing more.

can you help me Brouznouf

Don’t ask to ask, just ask


I instal this mod but when I start my server and some one is trying to connect it just make a lot of error so I wanted to know if some one can give or juste publich the essential mode that is making those error.

When installing this to my server, its causes the console to freak out with a butt ton of errors.

It also causes none of the database stuff to work with any script, spawnpoint, skins, garage everything…

Do i need to add require “resources/mysql-async/lib/MySQL”
to every script that uses the DB to fix this?

Also if i try this on a dev server with my public server open in the background it causes those to have the same issue, Not sure whats happening, i editing the “conf” lua correctly etc.


Never mind, Got some help on this… Didnt realise i had to change every single script that requires a DB xD

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Thank’s for your reply but, how can i fix that ?
When a lot of people are connecting in the same time, i got x500 warn in 10sec because this field is not valid. I think is the “bans” table, this is the only one i use with datetime.

EDIT: My bad, i didn’t see i got a field “birthday” with a lot of 0000-01-01 ><

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I Have Erro GetplayersFromid please help me thanks in advance

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GetplayersFromid is a fuction from essentialmode, there is function to not depend of it like :

function getPlayerID(source)
	return getIdentifiant(GetPlayerIdentifiers(source))

function getIdentifiant(id)
	for _, v in ipairs(id) do
		return v

And where you need to get the identifier : getPlayerID(source)

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Thanks , I need to replace in essential mode ?

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Nope, you need to add function in you own code. Do not touch to essential mod and again in your code you have to replace the “GetplayersFromid” exemple :

AddEventHandler('mod:event', function()
	TriggerEvent('es:getPlayerFromId', source, function(user)
		local player = user.identifier
		--your code


AddEventHandler('mod:event', function()
	local player = getPlayerID(source)
	--your code

For some reason you must keep it if you call the add/remove money cause it’s a part of essentialmode.

But it’s not an issue of Mysql Async Library, it’s just an issues in your code.

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i can not figure out where this problem is located in the code.

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I need some help, I am clearly not understanding something. I have followed the instructions on how to install the async libary but every time i replace “require “resources/essentialmode/lib/MySQL”” with “require “resources/mysql-async/lib/MySQL”” it comes up with these errors on every single script i have and they dont work.

Then i asked Vodkhard (He made a inventory system) why and he said not all scripts need that only the ones that require Async but when i then do that and change the scripts that originally require “resources/essentialmode/lib/MySQL”" back to that. they dont work.

Please help this is bugging my mind. :slight_smile: