Delete my post24154235534

OML just delete my post like make that a thing for the mother of god


do we need to pay anything on patron for a custom ped?

oh really sweet
does it work with esx?

Its a ped, so its irregardless of the framework you have.

ok sweet thank you

Should i try making a PD Ped? If you liked this.

This is a stolen PED from DOJ. The PEDS vest and belt i recognize from DOJ i have seen the main ped and there for sure not reletated to this ped

Sorry but it’s not i textured it myself! I was copying or trying to get it to look like the doj ped but the vest is diff and the color is not the same!

Also the ped it’s self was credit in the post so if you read it not just looked at the pics then it would be better!

Yeah you can texture whatever model you want but at the end of the day the BASE model was stolen from DOJ

Read the post If you can’t read then learn because here

Credits to (Velactor) for the orignal model

Credits to (Reaper_Gaming) for the Highway Patrol Ped V. 2.0

orignal model LINK :

Highway Patrol Ped V. 2.0 LINK : Highway Patrol Ped V. 2.0

Dam so he stole that ped

No he did not he added the stuff his self

(Reaper_Gaming) Added

---- Reworked the textures

---- Added two new vests. One Traffic Vest and Another Tac vest

---- Added the campaign hat.

I changed and the only thing i changed is the

  • textures

I am guessing the vest came from


yeah but he would have to either ripped the ped or bought the addons.

See this is the part where am not him so i don’t know what he did! Ask him but i know or i think it’s not stolen because it’s easy to make that ped

2 people that i saw made this ped one was bad and the one that am using i think is good.

no … as you said your self your 13 and never done it before …il recommend you taking the time to practice more and get better then just making and releasing