Backup your Database - ESX or vRP or Of something

This program was developed for help administrators of Fivem servers for Windows and who wish
to implement a daily, weekly or monthly database backup policy.
You could use the command mysqldump blah blah blah, but probably the process would be
manual and the application of a different name for each backup would be great.

The source code is available at:

GaloCego - BackupBase-Fivem

Portuguese manual in

On github folder you will are found executable folder, in this folder you are found exe and dll for execute this program like this manual.

1. First Configuration

To start the configuration, you need run BackupBase.exe to add the necessary information for
the backup.
Image 1 shows the BackupBase.exe program open.

Bin folder of MySQL: location where your server’s mysqldump.exe file is located, for those using Xamp, the folder is usually in c:\xamp\MySQL\bin

• Path to save file: the folder you want to save the backup, you can use a folder from OneDrive or GoogleDrive to save already in the Cloud.

User: user of your database, usually root

Password: if you have a password at the database, this field must be filled out.

Database name: name of your base, vrpex, essentialmode whatever.
Image 2

After saving the data a file called conf.json will be created in the folder.

NOTE: I am not encrypting the password, probably only you have access to the server

Create a new task scheduler on Windows

The execution schedule for the database backup will be done by Windows, where you can choose whether the backup will occur daily, weekly, monthly, etc …

Open the start and type Task Scheduler.

Image 3: Start > Task Scheduler

The scheduler screen is the one in image 4, look for the Create Task button and click on it.

Image 4

Add name for your scheduler.

Image 5

Go to the Triggers tab and click New.
Image 6

In this screen you will configure when Windows should perform the Backup.
Image 7

After configuring the execution according to your needs, click on the Actions tab and then on the New button
Image 8

Now look for the program called Agendador.exe that is contained in this downloadable file
Image 9

Image 10

Image 11

Image 12

Now your Windows is ready to backup your database.

The generated file will be saved in the location you configured in item 1 of this manual.

Whenever the backup is being made, the screen of image 13 will be presented. Don’t worry, it will close on its own after 30 seconds.
Image 13

NOTE: The generated file will have the name backup<date_and_hour> .sql



Page not found also do you mean standalone

What page Shaz? Page not found

The link isn’t available?

no it is not


Link is avaliable now

Also i dont think you can advertise your discord


Why though? dont get me wrong it can be helpful but

Just use this in task scheduler mysqldump.exe -hYourIpOrHost -uYourUserName -pYourPassword yourdatabase >c:\path\to\backupfile.sql its provided in both normal MySQL which is what xxamp provides(don’t know why people love that security risk) and also MariaDB. I’m sure it works for more but I only use MariaDB

As someone thats been making and runing sevrers for over 10 years this seems risky.

But the source code is definitely a plus and removes a little bit of the risky feeling. But eventually, people are gonna try and make malicious versions. since that’s just how some of the fivem community is.

Unfortunately, there will be people trying to do malicious things.

As for running the mysqldump command on the task scheduler, it is a fact. However, many users find it difficult to do this, in addition to the script not overlapping the file and doing this via the command line is difficult. So my program is like a support for those who have difficulties.

Thanks for your answer

Why just not use HeidiSQL Backup tool :joy:

Just don’t download

Nice! I need developers to help create a Menu/Economy based server, DM!

good, but looks like you took something or atleast based on that that sqldumper made in batch and posted by nostradamus in some discord communities, right?

I didn’t get to see that.
Actually, I have several friends who don’t know anything about programming or databases, and they keep bothering me to get backup of their servers.
So I did it to get rid of this service

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