yeah wish i knew, tried to go off the jump at end of runway
For some reason i spawn under the map when i press enter. Any way to fix?
The zone needs to be cached before the waypoint can know the Z coord. please fix also add an effect to hide the teleporting. would be super!
When it teleports it spawns me undergrounds, please fix.
Nvm I fixed it, this is what I did, found, z = GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(pos.x, pos.y, i + 2.0, 0) changed i + 0 to i + 2.0
Yea i did this and its still happening. I even went higher than 2. Any thoughts?
Can someone help me. I dont know why this keeps happening. I did what some of the comments in here said and still nothing
Update, It only really works correctly when im taking off from an even surface and I teleport to the same even surface
found, z = GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(pos.x, pos.y, i + 2.0, 0) like this? because i tried everything and its still not working
i have the same problem
how do i set the date
Kinda old post but to fix the telepirting under the map issue, if you dont mind always landing on the closest road i fixed the issue by adding GetClosestRoad to the getlandinglocation function to always kand on road
why dose it teleport me under the map
Does anyone know a server where you can do this
same here how did you resolve?
uh it doesnt work when it charges & I press Enter. I know this thing is old but does it still work?
Nevermind, Figured it out
idk if you’ll see this concidering your comment is from december of 2021. but by any chance could you help me out here? I cant find the “getlandinglocation” function
Does anyone know where I can get the same car with same effects minus the MOD it self for RP Server?