Gotta love this kind of ppl “I didn’t do anything wrong pipipipi” f off, if you don’t care about my server rules then guess what, I don’t care about you complaining bc u got removed. Next time learn to read and follow 5 simple rules, period.
Sorry but you were not online when I was banned so I assumed directly that it was him and not you. Now if you ban people because they ping someone that a clairly unfair.
And if you ban people over simply ONE ping and not several you have a serious problem here.
Now if you don’t want to unban me sure since I feel like you are more determined in going that direction, now don’t complain that people use alt account and bypass your discord checks just to get support.
Your choice, we can either leave this in 2024 2’e start fresh. Or keep it the same and keep that decision. It’s your shot after all.
I’m just a customer who want to get support / snippets channel like everyone else.
You didnt got removed for just ping people haha, you are a joke buddy you got removed for being toxic to someone in a public channel, period. I was online reading your messages, Im not wasting my time with you anymore.
If you say so buddy, I’m still in no matter what so. Just take more time to get support. That’s all. That just confirms that you have legit no proof of me being toxic or have any logs of my messages that I was. Especially when in dm of Griefa he was toxic and not me. But yeah sure I guess I’m toxic then lol.