App stopped working

Launching the FiveReborn app I make it to the point of loading up the Socail Club and crash. Looked into the issue online and found a couple places with solutions. Changing the DX_Version to 1, did not work. Run in compatibility mode for Windows 8, did not work. Disable antivirus, did not work. After disabling my antivirus I got to a point where it blew up to a big window with the green money webbing but still crashed. Tried to remove and reinstall and still not working.

Crash report gives me:
[Window Title]
pΛ Fatal Error

[Main Instruction]
pΛ has stopped working

An error caused pΛ to stop working. A crash report has been uploaded to the pΛ developers. If you require immediate support, please visit something and mention the details below.

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[Expanded Information]
Crash ID: 1f48048e-47c5-48de-99cb-1e6d219feb5e (use Ctrl+C to copy)

Disable/Uninstall AVG.

I did disable it, set it on a 10 min timer for being disabled to see if that would work, still crashed within the first min of being disabled.

I use AVG just set Fivereborn.exe as an exception or disable until restart

its already set as an exception, both the five reborn app itself as well as the folder its in on my desktop.

Copied Directly from my AVG exceptions:
“”;“C:\Users\David\Desktop\FiveReborn\FiveReborn.exe”;“Application or File”;“Resident Shield, Software Analyzer, Scan, Windows Antimalware Scan Interface”;“2/11/2017, 11:32 AM”
“”;“C:\Users\David\Desktop\FiveReborn”;“Folder”;“Resident Shield, Software Analyzer, Scan”;“2/11/2017, 11:33 AM”

Set AVG to disabled till restart, still crashed, here is the new copy paste from the crash:

[Window Title]
pΛ Fatal Error

[Main Instruction]
pΛ has stopped working

An error caused pΛ to stop working. A crash report has been uploaded to the pΛ developers. If you require immediate support, please visit something and mention the details below.

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[Expanded Information]
Crash ID: 35f1bd06-b9d8-4f8b-a41f-05ca54f61144 (use Ctrl+C to copy)

Well it seems that my issue is not cared about. Thanks for no response for 2 days on my issue and still a non working Five Reborn.



You did not pay attention, I did disable, also set up exceptions for it. Disabled temp and tried disable untill restart and got a different error. Uninstall is not going to happen as it is my antivirus. Thus disabling dose not work.

I did pay attention, then again. You provide such little information I think you are the one that ‘didn’t pay attention’.

Error Format

Please provide the requested information.

I just booted up the launcher again and for the first time I did not receive the message of “out of date windows version” I received a new update 2 nights ago and thus the issue seems to be fixed now. That being said, before the update 2 nights ago my system said there were no available updates. So it seems my issue has resolved itself with that update.

What is AVG please tell me [quote=“Boss, post:2, topic:6363, full:true”]
Disable/Uninstall AVG.

Its an anti-virus program