Any reliable method of wider selection of stock cars in the world?

Hi there everyone!

I’m often surprised at the huge selection of models in the GTAO/FiveM universe when comparing it to the very limited selection you actually see on the roads.

Which brings me to my question: Is there a way of populating the FiveM map with a greater selection of the stock GTAV vehicles that drive on the roads?

This of course has nothing to do with addon/replacement cars, I would just like to see some additioanal GTA5 cars.

loading a modified popgroups meta should work, there’s a data_file for this :open_mouth:

Thanks very much for the help but where can I find the file to modify? It doesn’t seem to exist in my server-data:

web6@server1:~/fivem$ find . -name "server.cfg"
web6@server1:~/fivem$ find . -name "popgroups*"

While searching, I found mention of a popgroups.ymt, but I can’t find either file in server-data.

I found this thread which I thought might be the key but when I tried, it stripped the entire world of all peds and vehicles. Stopping the resource repopulated the world:


resource_manifest_version '44febabe-d386-4d18-afbe-5e627f4af937'

file 'popgroups.ymt'

data_file 'FIVEM_LOVES_YOU_341B23A2F0E0F131' 'popgroups'


		<Item><Name>banshee2</Name><Variations type="NULL"/></Item>			

Am I on the right track? Can someone tell me what I need to do to add more GTA vehicles to the game?

That’s not enough. You need to load a full file as included in the stock game - try using CodeWalker to convert the stock one to a readable XML format.

Using Codewalker(first time), I managed to find:

OpenIV doesn’t seem to know what to do with it and I tried an app called MetaTools from the GTA5 site but following the instructions (drag file onto executable) doesn’t seem to result in a converted file, at least I can’t find it. It does open a cmd prompt with data in it but after closing, I can’t find an xml file anywhere.

Any help on that step would be greatly appreciated!

Use the CodeWalker RPF explorer, and right-click the file to export to XML.

Wow, those files are big! Do I need to move the entire contents of the popgroup files to an xml of my own and then add to that or do I just need to use the format I see to add the cars that I would like?

Sadly, yes. :slightly_frowning_face: