AntiCheat with AutoKick

Hello! Right now i started working on an anticheat that kicks people out of server when they press a button to activate a modmenu! I suddently ran into a problem and i don t have any idea how to fix it! Please help!

Right here i have an error that gives only in F8 console window on fivem:

Here i have the line where the script is

controls = {
	{"F7", 168},
	{"NUMPAD 7", 117},
	{"INSERT", 121}	,
	{"NUMPAD 8", 111},
	{"DELETE", 178}

	while true do
		for i, v in pairs(controls) do
			keyName = v[1]
			keyCode = v[2]
			if(IsControlPressed(1, keyCode))then
                                DropPlayer(source,'Te rugam sa scoti hack-ul sau sa nu mai apesi acel buton pe serverul nostru!')

I don’t know why but it doesn’t recognize DropPlayer as a command or as an action so it just gives that error. Any idea why?

DropPlayer isn’t a thing on the client, you’d have to send an event to the server to kick the client sending that event.

Also detecting keypress isn’t really a good anticheat solution, I suggest you check out this topic List of Vulnerable and Abused Events