An actually good Mechanic Job [QBCore & ESX]

  1. You must configure the locker room depending on your clothes resource.
  2. You must have rank 3 to access the boss menu.

same answer given to @Bjerre122390122

use esx_billing.

I dont have problem whit boss menu,stash is not open,no error,nothing

im using esx_billing but how do i send a bill to another player? and also i have rank 3 and cant access boss menu

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Please make sure to include the paid releases template.

I see what you mean, will be added on the next update.

Do you have a discord? Want to ask about it’s performance and also if it can support multiple locations / owners

I had one but I lost access to my account and now I provide support via replies.
The resmon usage is at 0.00 ms unless you’re near a marker/3d text draw, and even then it won’t surpass 0.02 ms.
It can support multiple locations, see the config file in the end of the video.

I did see that but i can’t see in the video if it allows for different owners per location!

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No different owners, it is bound to the ‘mechanic’ job, but you can change its name to something else through the config file if you already have a mechanic job and you want to make a different one for this system.

Hi i just bought this script, im trying to configure it now on my qbcore base. How do i make a another mechanic job, like mechanic2, mechanic3 ect… and where do i add the locations since i have 3 diferent mechanic workshop maps. Do you have discord?

I cant get the script to work

I bought this script instantly at release but still cant use boss menu or clothing menu… but i love the script its really nice!

do we have to have that mlo for the mechanic script

No, the script is made plug-n-play for the Vanilla mapping.

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Do you have any errors?

I don’t have Discord but I can provide help here tho.
The script is bound for one job as of now.

nope no errors

are you QBCore or ESX?
Show me your config file.

Im using esx legacy, do i need to have the qbcore boss menu activated still?