Ammu-Nation Delivery Robbery

The flavor of this upload is a quick smash and grab, stores need deliveries to restock, and Ammu-Nation is now getting routine deliveries of weapons!

Script Process:

  • Timer Spawns a Vehicle (Truck robbable) [qb-target at back of truck]
  • Vehicle makes its way to the Ammu-Nation
  • Driver exits the vehicle (Truck no longer robbable, driver now is) [qb-target at ped]
  • Driver walks inside to deliver the weapons
  • Driver exits and drives away (no longer robbable)
  • Repeat on Timer

These deliverers are discrete (if your chosen vehicles are anyway) so you need to be on the lookout for drop-offs, or you can sit at Ammu-Nation all day and ambush them at your own risk.

I plan to release an open resource paid version in the future, but i would like to release the free version first to find any bugs with the AI. tested with a few players, but want to verify it at scale.

a delivery can also be manually triggered using exports[‘ammu-rob’]:StartRun() on the server

  • Configurable Ammu-Nation drop off point
  • Configurable Starting Points
  • Configurable Drop off Vehicles
  • Configurable Loot
  • Configurable Drop off Timer


Free Download: Github
Purchase: Tebex

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~200
Requirements qb-core, qb-target, qb-lockpick
Support Yes

Free releases: Releases that are released for free must contain a direct download and may not be Escrow protected, you may include a Tebex link but it may not be the only download.

No obfuscation. Source code may not be obfuscated or minified. At all times must your release include source code. You may include compiled files (i.e. for a C# script) as long as source code is provided.

my b, skimmed past that, updating

video preview would be cool!

videos aren’t my forte, but i did what i could

like wheres the spawn are for someone to be i just keep getting no players in the area

You need to spawn to the locations and wait for a few secs to see If the NPC spawns, If you get the no players in the area, teleport to the next one until you find the npc spawn. That’s what i did

Can be changed :upside_down_face:.