Ambulance Essentials (Stretcher + Interior)

In our discord. (#qbcore-items channel.)

please make the sourcecode buyable

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We dont sell open source.

discord verify button not working
cant spawn stretcher

Try again, sir


good way to enhance RP for EMS


Awesome idea, super unique!

Omg this is perfect script !!

I really need this script, this is really useful.

My EMS love this script. Everyone who gets in for the first time is always amazed. Great way to enhance medical rp


The interior idea and crash logic is godly

Looks awesome!

do you have any new updates about the script ?

also do you have support for other stretcher systems like FiveEMS Script form candis

Powli sannam

Amazing script, it really enhance the players experience.

Hi, can you use the stetcher to pic up live or dead AI peds?

Our script only works with player peds.