Shit Server


:rotating_light:The server owner is t@xic and lies his ass off. DO NOT TRUST THIS SERVER.:rotating_light:
So this server has been open snice 2019 and it has never grown , Let me tell you why. The owner Dalton k. does not care. He sits there and pulls out tanks and kills the rp for every. Also on top of it all He clams I stole assets / mods from the server. But I never did. The assets he is talking about is the LSCSO skin for the cop cars. But how can you steal something you made. Yes I made those skins. It took 6+ hours to do and i have video of it. So if you want proof DM me TMV Official49#2704 ill show you. But if you still wanna join this t@xic server I hope you enjoy the LSCSO cars I made. Because I know Dalton K. is not going to remove it. Because he already tried to make me look bad to all the members in there discord server.
:star: I this server 1 star because the owner is 2 faced. :-1: :-1:

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