Advanced Parcel Theft [QBCore]


Add a new layer of excitement and risk to your FiveM server with the Parcel Theft Script. This script allows players to steal parcels scattered across the map, with customizable locations, cooldowns, and reward probabilities, making every theft a unique experience.

📦 Key Features 📦

  • Customizable Locations: Easily set up multiple parcel theft locations across the map through the config file, giving players various spots to target.

  • Seamless Parcel Animation: Players automatically adopt the parcel box animation when they have a stolen parcel in their inventory, enhancing immersion without requiring additional event triggers.

  • Cooldown Management: Control the respawn delay for parcels, ensuring that stolen parcels reappear after a set period, keeping the gameplay dynamic and engaging.

  • Reward Probability: Configure the probability and quantity of various rewards that players can find within the stolen parcels, ranging from common items to rare valuables.

  • Police Response: Optionally enable a police response with configurable probability to increase the risk factor for players attempting to steal parcels.

  • Immersive Progress Bar: A customizable progress bar adds tension as players wait to open a stolen parcel, with adjustable duration settings.


🔗 Links 🔗

:film_projector: Preview
:globe_with_meridians: Config
:shopping_cart: Tebex

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 410
Requirements QBCore
Support Yes
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