Advanced Metal Detecting [ESX/QBCore]

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Awesome script, wondering if there could be an update that makes it so you find less junk as you level up, and possible a fix to the boarders, as Iā€™ve gotten better at metal detecting I find more and more things that are out in the error areas of the beach. maybe even adding other areas we can metal detect in like the desert all around the yellow jacket?

Thanks! As for your first question, ā€œan update that makes it so you find less junk as you level upā€ is exactly how the script works out of the box. Nothing I can do there as itā€™s already set up that way! If you donā€™t think so then you can just update the ā€œchanceā€ to find each item for each level and make it how you prefer. As for the second thing, getting items ā€œout in the error areasā€ shouldnā€™t even be happening since when the script decides on a location to place an item it checks a few things including the soil type at that specified location. So if your getting the ā€œErrorā€ textui it could be anythingā€¦ walking too fast/running/etc. As for your last question, ā€œadding other areas you can metal detectā€ - thatā€™s entirely within your control. The config allows for full control over where players can and cannot metal detect. You can do it based on soil type, you can limit it to specific areas, and much more. Just read up on all the notes in the config! Hope this helps :heart: