Advanced Inventory Systems

You should have received the email now, if this is not the case send us a PM with your transaction ID and we will get this resolved :slight_smile:

The resource has had updates every 1-2 weeks, mostly small features and QOL things.
We would like the base to be fully expandable and modular before adding the larger details.

I need support this is not working ??? please help.

hey did you buy this ??? if you did can you help setting this up ?

The above issue was with the configuration which has since been fixed.
We have offered to perform the installation for you however you must be patient.
Thank you for understanding.

**do not buy this script ** is a beta. :no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign::x::x::stop_sign::stop_sign: do not charge people until is done. thank you

This is listed below the purchase link. The script has been listed as a beta since the release.
Unfortunately due to your server setup (not having a framework or character selection), the inventory will require a larger setup as it doesn’t have anything to interface with (such as a framework).
If you want to add/use items you will have to use the exports for these (can be used with 1 line of code) but this will take time to do.
Provided is an ESX conversion kit to replace the ESX functions with inventory exports. Otherwise, all of the 20+ exports are listed in the readme.

you should not be charging people for an incomplete work so even if you put it there at the end of the description as a strategy knowing that people are not going to read the whole thing even that we should still sneaky is kind of those big business contracts with the important information in small letters. well played but I’m still going to get my money back. I’m not taking away your credit as a developer because I’m pretty sure when the scrip is done is going to be a great one but I done have time to wait. thank you anyways. and FiveM forum you guys shouldn’t let people sell incomplete scripts is not good for your reputation or “business” advertisment" thank you.

Would be nice if i could get my files or even a reply. Been almost 36 hours and still no download…

We have sent you a DM to confirm the email we have sent your information to.
Thank you! :slight_smile:

hello, if I buy this system, will I be able to change and modify the code myself (I would like to add several systems to this gorgeous inventory)?
and will it work on the esx 1.2 version?
is there a binding by ip address?

Sorry. that perhaps I ask questions that have already been asked, I just don’t know English very well…

Currently about 80% of things are able to be modified, if you would like something specific be sure to ask

All versions of ESX should work, in unique cases, some things need additional configuration in the ESX files (provided is an easy installation guide)

Currently there is no IP binding

after the purchase, will there be access to any discord, for communication and fitback on this chic inventory?

@es_extended/server/classes/player.lua:221: attempt to call a nil value (field ‘getInventoryIdentifier’)
@es_extended/server/classes/player.lua:54: attempt to call a nil value (field ‘getInventoryIdentifier’)

self.getMoney = function()
return exports[‘inventory’]:SlotInventoryItemCount(“playerinventory-”…self.getInventoryIdentifier(), “dollar”)

self.addAccountMoney = function(accountName, money)
if money > 0 then
local account = self.getAccount(accountName)

  	if account then
  		local newMoney = + ESX.Math.Round(money) = newMoney

  		self.triggerEvent('esx:setAccountMoney', account)


how fix?(

Sorry for the delayed response as usually, we are not available during the weekends.
When doing the esx conversion yourself make sure place all of the functions included correctly.
If you are not able to do this we offer a basic setup, please contact us through DMs

@AvalancheProductions Hello, I just bought this inventory package about 20 minutes ago. I’m still waiting on it to drop me the files. Are they going to be sent to my email?

The email has been sent! As stated sometimes it can take up to 24 hours :slightly_smiling_face:

I still need help with the inventory

Are there any actual directions to setting this up? I read through the readmeesx and applied all of those things, but it isn’t working all of the way. Like, none of my existing items are there or anything. There really need to be more detailed instructions if there’s more to just editing es_extended. @AvalancheProductions

We have sent you a message regarding this :slight_smile: