Advanced Inventory Systems

This is crazy in depth, probably the only resource for sale worth the asking price!

are there also files aviable to adapt it to esx v1final.

Also is it easy to add stuff in scripts like disc and the other inventorys to simply use an armory for police or pharmacy for ambulance etc.

We are searching for an inventory like this one.
But im afraid it will break all the esx stuff with skinchanges uniforms etc.

There are currently no automation files, this will have to be done manually.
For the time being, we are offering free migration so this can be done for you.

The inventory has events and export similar to the disc system, but they will have to be converted.

For clothing, it is recommended you leave your old skin handler active, as the inventory does not handle facial features. It will load the inventory clothing and not effect the other script’s data unless it’s on a tick (which isn’t normal or good). Both the player clothing inventory structure, and the visual clothing are optional, and can be toggled on/off.

Thx for the nice and clear answer.

Have you done it allready fpr esx v1final maybe?

of course i also wanted to know then what need to be changed etc. Since some resources are obfuscated and limited to edit of course.

i only know it on some inventorys only the open armory stuff etc. on others you need to completly change the register usable item from esx which is serverside in the scripts and mostly serverside is obfuscated.

ESX has been done already and will be a simple transition
I have updated it so the files provided contain ESX hookups however this does not automate the item definition migration

Hello, does this inventory system allow use of metadata? For example food spoilage, water bottle percentage (how many percent of water has bottle) or serial numbers for weapons?

Yes, however the systems are not in place and will have to be handled with another script

Where can I get my link?

It will be provided in your email, however, activations are manual at the moment.
When purchasing it will take less than 24 hours.

ok because when I went thru the whole process it didnt ask me for my email. it only asked me to sign in to my fivem cfx account

We have sent you a private message regarding the subject

I would like to ask a question about the system. Can we test the advanced inventory system in your servers if it is possible?

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Sure! Send us a message and we can schedule a time

Interested in your INV system, looking forward to test it live and go past a few questions.

Looking forward to using this resource!

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Hello, I received the confirmation email but I did not receive the email with the script

We’ve sent you a PM regarding this :slight_smile:

What’s the turnaround time for installation?

is there a version of this inventory system in limit system ???

I have not received my download link after purchase, what is the turnaround time for that to be sent?