Advanced Drug Selling | Law Of Supply [QB/ESX]

Enhance your dealing experience on your FiveM server with our drug-selling script, using the law of supply to create an immersive experience and a dynamic economy, allowing players to create their own selling strategies.

:gift: Features

  • :house: Areas: Add a realistic touch by being able to devalue or revalue the final price with a percentage in certain areas, allowing you to create a more immersive experience. This gives you the possibility to make the most famous and expensive drugs sell better in rich areas than in poor ones.
  • :syringe: Dynamic Economy: Let players find the best places to sell their drugs. With this script, you can configure certain drugs to have an interest rate (cheaper or more valuable) in specific areas, adding unique experiences in every zone. This allows players to create a selling strategy for their dark business.
  • :rocket: Law of Supply and Demand: Make each sale impact the server, whether in a specific area or across the entire map. Adjust the initial, maximum, and minimum amounts, let the script work its magic, and enjoy a dynamic real-time economy.
  • :triangular_ruler: Built-In Creator: Don’t worry about endless coordinate configurations. Through the in-game creator, you can manage the entire sales system, including the zones and items.
  • :bust_in_silhouette: NPC Interactions: NPCs will be able to scam, refuse or complete the sell with you.

:gear: Dependencies:

Framwork: QBCore or ESX
Lib: ox_lib
Inventory: ox_inventory or qb-inventory or esx default

:computer: Commands:

Create Items: /drugitem:create
Manage Items: /drugitems:manage
Create Zones: /drugzones:create
Manage Zones: /drugzones:manage

:camera_flash: Screenshots (YouTube showcase below)

Click Here

:earth_africa: Links

Showcase: YouTube
Tebex: Tebex
Documentation: GN Store Docs
Support Discord: Cosmos Studios

Code is accessible No, you can only access to config, locales and bridge
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~2400
Requirements ox_lib / QB/ESX / ox_inv or qb-inv or esx default
Support Yes