Admin can be wanted by police?

How can I allow a admin to be wanted by police?

Can you send which script you use for normal players to be wanted?

I’m not using the script …

I’m use SetPlayerWantedLevel

But since I set up Admin it no longer works

SetPlayerWantedLevel(PlayerId(), 0, false) try this, instead of 0 set to number of stars you want. From 0-5.

This is exactly what I use

Only since I was put in the settings
add_principal identifier.steam:{{myid}} group.admin

So it does not work anymore

Where did you put that?

the script i put on my js file

RegisterCommand('wanted', async (source, args) => {
  SetPlayerWantedLevel(PlayerId(), parseInt(args[0]), false);
  SetPlayerWantedLevelNow(PlayerId(), true);

It worked great

add_principal identifier.steam:{{myid}} group.admin

In server.cfg file of course


if IsPlayerAceAllowed() then


Have you tried this?

I don’t need to check if the player is admin
I’m just checking something … and the problem is that admin can’t be WANTED

What about Config.DisableWantedLevel = false in es_extended config.lua file?

This enable WantedLevel

I use Version 1